I think so too, nothing better than puppy dogs. :D What type of dogs do you have?
That sounds wonderful, I love a nice fresh from the oven pie, apple is my favorite, especially with a little ice cream on the side. :D Take a picture of the finished pie and post it here if you like...I'd love to see it. :D
Have an awesome day! :D
I'm afraid the pie didn't last long enough to take a picture lol I'll take one next time, which won't be long i'm sure, with berry season upon us!
I have 3 english bulldogs, 1 german shepherd and a cocker spaniel. I am the crazy dog lady lol
LOL. That just means it was wonderful pie. :D I'm sure the next pie will be just as lovely and wonderful tasting so you'll have to have the camera on hand before it cools. :D
We've got a collie, a husky, and four of their pups...at one time though we had 14 dogs here, the pups other six siblings and two of their uncles. :D I miss them some days and other days I'd gladly give up a couple of the ones we've still got...those are usually the days they've scratched me or ran into me like freight trains as I walked around the house. :D I am definitely a crazy dog lady too. :D LOL. :D
haha we need more crazy dog ladies in the world 😂😂
That is soooo true. :D :D