#ULOG - Daily Thoughts - 26 May 18 - Homesteading Today...

in #life7 years ago

Good Morning, Steemians! :D

I woke because I felt like someone had placed a heater against my entire torso and got up to find our lovely grand-puppies Lady (1) and Mya (2) snuggled up to my back. :D There is no way to get cold with them snuggled up to you, they are like mini furnaces. :D

The day started off wet, grey, and foggy, but it didn’t last long, it soon became rain, oh joy, of course that’s better than snow any day, so YAY! LOL. :D

Leroy was over getting a drink out of the tub when I called out to him, it took him a minute to realize where I was, but once he did he watched me closely. :D He’s so cute. :D

Rain drops are falling on my favorite tree and on me. :D LOL. :D

Leroy kept a close eye on me, just in case I tried to pet him, LOL. :D

I tried to pet Leroy and he got that wild-eyed/panicky look on his face and ran away, LOL. :D

Princess (1) and Buddy (2) grazing in the pasture behind the pig’s pen. :D

Bruticus was ready to get away from the bugs when we came out to do the evening chores and milk Belle, he was waiting for us to shut his door, LOL. :D I don’t blame him though, I doused myself with a lot of bug spray before heading out, but the black flies still attacked me relentlessly, so I can only imagine how much they chewed on him, poor guy. :D

Pinky (1), Lil’ Miss (2), and Junior (3) telling me to stop taking pictures and get into the barn to feed them. Lil’ Miss said it, turned, and headed back to the barn looking over her shoulder every few steps to make sure I was moving towards the barn, LOL. :D

The sun is starting to set, hopefully I get some nice sunset pictures to share. :D

My husband opened the gate so Candy (1) and Princess (2) could graze in the second pen attached to the barn while waiting for Belle to come back out after her evening milking. :D

Sunset 1.

Sunset 2.

Sunset 3.

Sunset 4.

Sunset 5.

Sunset 6.

Sunset 7.

Sunset 8.

Sunset 9.

Sunset 10.

Sunset 11.

Sunset 12.

Sunset 13.

Sunset 14.
Well that was our day here. How is/was yours? I hope you have/had an awesome day! :D

My husband @timmyoflinn and I were both tired with no energy, so we decided to spend the afternoon just hanging out on the couch and binge-watching iZombie on Netflix together. :D I’m not usually a fan of Zombie movies/television shows, but this one is so funny and well acted that I’d recommend it to everyone, it makes me laugh in every episode, the cast is fabulously talented, they all get to play very diverse and interesting characters, its honestly one of my favorite Netflix shows. :D Have you seen iZombie before? What do you think of it, if you have? :D Anyone else interested in a badge like this? Contact @daddykirbs for a custom badge of your own. :D


The dog looks so spoiled with you mam. I guess he loves to be beside you all the time 😅

Welcome back my friend! :D Thanks for visiting. :D
They are definitely very spoiled, but they are our grand-puppies and grandparents are supposed to spoil grandchildren/grand-puppies, right? :D LOL. :D
We rarely get to go anywhere in our house without at least one puppy or grand-puppy with us, not even the bathroom, unless we can beat them in there and get the door shut before they get there, but that rarely happens, they're so fast, LOL. :D
God bless you. :D Have an awesome day my fabulous friend! :D