advice for fishing

in #life9 years ago (edited)

Going on a fishing trip, you should pay special attention to the selection of tackles. This should be done in accordance with a number of parameters.

 How to choose a feeder rod for fishing for carp, as well as its coil and other gear to help advice from experienced fishermen. There are a number of parameters that need to be taken into account before committing to buying a new fishing rod. The essence of the feeder Choosing feeder rod novice fisherman must understand the structure of the spinning. Feeder fishing originated in England. In our country, this method is also called "the English Donkey". Feeder means "manger." Distinctive features are the existence of such a rod and reel feeders. These elements should be considered when choosing. The bait is carried out punctually in the area of

the reservoir, which fell trough. At the center of this zone is a hook that is attached to the line devices such as feeder rods. How to choose the right gear, there are a few tips. Adhering to them, you can achieve maximum impact fishing. The difference between the feeder from spinning is the presence of removable tops. 

Rod has a number of small rings crossing. The line wound coil when it is necessary to get the carp out of the water. The test and the length of the rod choosing a feeder rod, should assess the conditions in which it will be applied. Each manufacturer specifies in the form test, t. E. Weight range feeders. Correlating it with a long fishing rod, you can figure out how to choose the right feeder rod of 5 variants. Ultra-light (Picker) has a length of 3.2 m and the test is in the range of 10-40 and is suitable for fishing in water without flow. Light-feeder length reaches 3 to 3.6 meters with a test load and 60g It can be used with a small current. A medium rod has a length of 3.6 m, but its test above laytovogo option. It achieves 100 g This equipment will help to catch carp and drag it safely to shore. For fishing for carp for both beginners and professional fishermen, the right choice would be the type of feeder rod Heavy. Its length is 3.9 m, and the test is equal to 120 g To determine how long the selected feeder rod for a wide river with a very rapid current, you should pay attention to the kind of extra-heavy. By selecting a length of the feeder rod, you can catch the biggest carp in a large distance from the coast. Story Story rods feeder rods in the selection for the novice fishermen should be one of the main parameters. He makes it clear what kind of stiffness (elasticity) has a body tackle.

 Quick system belongs to rigid rods. When you load in the product will bend only the tip and the first lap. This system is considered the best when choosing a feeder rod for carp. If you are caring for fish snags, this quality allows you to control it in the process of phishing. Slow system allows the rod to bend to all the tribes, in order to avoid breaking the leash. To decide how to select the feeder rod for beginners, you should buy the product with complex systems. This gear will bend only at the top with small loads, and with a strong resistance to large fish will move her knee. This will determine which feeder rod for carp will be more comfortable for the fisherman. Material feeder There are several options for material products form, which differ by their quality and price. CFRP (carbon) is one of the most expensive materials. It is very durable, but requires careful self-treatment. This material is preferred by professional karpfishery. With the help of rods of carbon they can get out of the water the largest carp species. New fisherman, wondering how to choose the feeder rod for carp, should give preference to the composite. It's harder, but hardy material. Fiberglass submitted for gear will give them much weight. Therefore, it is chosen to carry out long-distance casting and catching big fish. Such equipment should be kept on the stand, otherwise your hands will get tired of his hold. Attachments Attachments feeder feeder fishing rod when it is selected (reel, hooks, fishing line, etc.) for beginners should be chosen very responsibly. From the correctness of the selection depends on the impact of fishing. The basic elements that should be noted are the coil feeder, top, crossing rings, fishing line, leads, hooks. These elements certainly come with feeder rods. How to choose them correctly, will help experts advice. Fine accessories, selected properly, will provide good sensitivity rods. It is also highly experienced karpfishery recommended to purchase quality items for rods. Savings in this case may result in the failure of the fishing or catching quite uncomfortable process. Coil Feeder One of the most important elements is the coil feeder rods. It must be powerful and reliable, in order to withstand the pressure at fishing out carp out of the water. Spool of this element should be fairly large to accommodate a sufficient number of fishing line. To start karpfisheru understand how to select a feeder rod and reel, you should pay attention to the number of bearings in the model. For such a rod suitable coil with a minimum of 6 bearings. Most high-quality copies can be up to 15 bearings. The gear ratio is an important indicator of the coil. He makes it clear how many revolutions the spool makes with one cycle of the handle. Gear ratio indicates the retrieve speed. In this figure universal coil is in the range from 4.6 to 5.5. It is also possible to use high-speed coil with speed above 6. Another indicator, the decisive question is how to choose the feeder rod and reel for beginners, stands the presence of a controlled friction brake. It can be front or rear. Reels with front brake is usually lighter and more compact. Top (kvivertip) A distinctive feature of the feeder from the normal spinning is the availability of interchangeable tops. They signal the fisherman about biting. Typically, complete with feeder ships 3-4 summit. This element has a test. Using colors indicate stiffness kvivertipa. The red tip of the toughest, orange or rigid has an average flexibility, and green - the softest. tops Type selected in accordance with the terms and conditions of the reservoir. If the current is strong, should choose hard kvivertipy. Soft components of the rod can accurately convey the signal biting in calm water without worry and currents. In the event of a breakdown kvivertipa an accidental impact or strong inflection can choose to store an identical product. It should be taken into account when selecting the diameter of the base. It must match the value specified by the manufacturer. Manger to determine how to select feeder rod for carp, should pay attention to its trough. It is this element gave the title of the gear and fishing method at all. Weight and presentation of the product may differ. The most often used in feeder fishing is a rectangular trough. It is used on all types of water bodies. If the flow is quite strong, opt for triangular varieties of bird feeders. To calm waters can be used round varieties. Universal feeders considered weighing about '50 To understand how to select a feeder rod, should be related to the weight feeder with blank test and over the pond. To calm waters suitable representation of elements fishing rods weighing 30 grams, and for strong currents - between 100 g and above. Passage rings Passage rings undergo powerful stress during fishing. Their quality and strength are critical to the feeder. Qualitative rings often make independent producers. Therefore, the company Salmo feeder can be Fugi ring. Quality products also produce company Balzer, DAM. Wondering how to choose a feeder rod, you should pay attention to the mounting rings crossing. At good-quality products, these elements are mounted on three legs. Insert inside the rings are able to extend their service life. The line for feeder fishing is used as a monofilament and braided products. For novice carp fishermen, experts advise to buy the fishing line diameter not less than 0.16 mm. You should also pay attention to the power load, which must withstand the braided or monofilament. To be safe, you can also select a monofilament diameter of 0.18 mm or 0.16 mm for braided fishing line. It should be taken into account in the selection of line quality throughput rings. If you purchased a cheap feeder, its rings rarely have additional protection in the form of a solid insert inside. For such products suitable monofilament, designed to catch small fish. For Braids rings must be provided with protective inserts that in the process of fishing did not have discomfort. Carp fishing technology is very cautious. When you use long casts trough feeder required. In the process of catching fisherman often have to experiment with the kind of gear, lures and baits. In between bites is necessary to select different types of nozzles. The better and the more diverse they are, the more likely a fisherman to go home empty-handed. Flavorings should be added to the bait the more than warmer water. For carp ponds should be chosen with the rapid changes in depth and uneven topography. Karp likes to hide in the holes at the bottom. If the bait fell into one of them, it is likely that the fishermen are lucky to pull ashore the big fish. Having familiarized with all the features that should be taken into account in deciding how to choose a feeder rod novice angler can choose the best option. Based on the recommendations of experienced carp, there is no doubt the right choice all the necessary gear. Over time, each karpfisher select the optimal type of gear and comfortable and will be able to combine them for the best way of existing conditions.


Fishing using the right equipment to bring the sea of good mood and unforgettable impressions.


Wow thanks .where do you normally do fishing . I fish in Zambia like for Tiger and its really intresting

nice! i don't do much carp fishing, so this is pretty insightful!

wow thats a huge carp. great information