Just wow! Good to see that you are NOT alone out here! The world is such a wonderful place to live on. But humans inner motivation to change everything for the better, brings a lot destroying power whit it.
I'm proud to be in the time and generation to fully understand and see the power of Human will, economics, inventions genius, and those who try to live upon as all.
It's kinda like living in a dream where all those awesome invitation make our life so easy and we can start to dream from flying cars, living on other planets or just print and design us a virtual world like loftr (Lord of the rings), StarWars or whatever ever would imagine, our just reinventing our dayly hunt for food, by just printing it! ... And than there are moments where you see the shity side of that glory road.
When " The one percent of the one percent on top of everyone in the society, think they can do what they want.. yeah fuck society!" (Quote by Mr. Robot aka Elliot)
... When Company's like Google (sorry for the hate but I love Google ), Facebook, Apple, Microsoft, Alibaba, Samsung etc. the list is long... trying to influence our last freedom... The internet. Just simply by soon building there own infrastructure around the world.
"Beeing incontrol is, who controlles the information streem of more than petabyts".
Well... As you can see my thoughts don't stop there. Like I said your not alone out there.
The idea of Blockchain and Decentralised Information is.. what brought me here.
Heads up ;)
(Sorry for the crappy English)
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