I bet some do though. I bet there are plenty of smokers who don't litter or smoke right next to people. And we've just gotten used to tolerating what's actually kind of bizarre behavior from the other ones.
I'm describing what they should do and the standard they should be held to. But ya, I see why it isn't surprising that they'd behave like that. (That's why we should start photographing them in action.)
I remember when cigarettes were the greatest things in life.
Couldn't imagine facing life without them.
Now, I know what I was doing to others.
I got sympathy for nonsmokers now that I am one.
When I smoked, I'd have told you to fly a kite.
Ain't addiction grand?
All it takes for bad to hold the field is for good to sit on the sidelines.
hehe, I like that quote!
Glad you're a non-smoker these days!!! #angel
Me, too.
It's one of the good things being a social revolutionary has gotten me.