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RE: FREE SPEECH -- You've heard the term, but I doubt anyone knows how rare it is anymore.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

their own platform's content as they desire?You make a valid point @full-measure. Does Youtube or anyone else have the legitimate "right" to censor or moderate

Seems like a double standard to say they don't but individuals do.

However, we must recognize the power massive collectives like youtube, spacebook and twitty have in directing individual's thinking and by induction the way society thinks. Those that control the narrative steer society as long as people refuse to think for themselves, which is most people these days.

The main problem is most people don't think for themselves and defer their personal responsibility to others. The problem is order followers. It is an understandable problem given the huge volumes of info and decisions people are faced with daily. Division of labor is a useful tool, as are hierarchies in some situations but not all.

The more individuals avoid taking responsibility for their own actions and accept without question what someone else says is true or wants them to do the closer we are to totalitarianism and the excuse, "I was just doing my job, following orders - I'm not to blame".