General principles of correct breathing

in #life7 years ago

With full breathing, all areas of the lung should be involved - the top, subclavian and podchechevaya parts.
The middle is under the chest.
The bottom is the supra-diaphragm part.

And, which is very important: the internal state must be balanced and positive, no irritability!

Take a comfortable pose: sit down or lie down
Draw in the stomach, pushing out all the air from the lower part of the lungs, and relax it again.
Then slowly and deeply exhale through the nose - this breath will fill the bottom of the lungs. At the same time, the abdomen should be raised.
Follow the bottom, fill the middle part, during which the chest will expand. And the very last - the upper, under the collarbone.
Fill your lungs, hold your breath.
Then slowly exhale all the air in the reverse order. First of all, release the upper part of the lungs, followed by the middle and lower ones.
Pull in your stomach to realize that all the air has come out.
Hold your breath again.
Now let's talk about meditation.

The word "Meditation" in Sanskrit sounds like dhyana, which translates as "concentration." In China, this word was transformed into "Chan", and in Japan - "Zen".

Meditation is philosophy, and whoever comprehends it, begins to gradually realize the essence of life, its purpose in it, and also to see the true meaning behind being.

For meditation at home, you will need a separate space - it must be absolutely clean, used only for meditation. It is useful if you take a bath or shower before starting meditation. The purity of the body is important for the purification of consciousness.

Dance of a bird
This is an amazing exercise that allows you to plunge into the world of childhood, to lose the shackles of reality, to become freer. The birthplace of the dance is the Baikal region, it was there during one of the trainings that he was born.

It is best to perform it to music:

close your eyes
Start breathing slowly, coherently and deeply
Imagine the flight of a bird. What did you feel watching him? Did you want to soar up and dissolve in the sky?

Immerse yourself in a thrilling sensation, release conventions, allow yourself to be a bird - light, free, soaring.


homeo statis is the condition of perfect balance between chemical, biological and physical condition. the proper breath will induce homeostatis automatically.