Who needs paramilitary police with the legal authority to shoot you at will, when you’ve got crazy citizens like Permit Patty?
Yeah, man it would be much better if all the permit patties in the world were able to enact their own vigilante justice on people!
stateless society, BBQ Becky won’t be able to call the local mafia to come extort and kidnap on her behalf, so she can just open fire herself.
They'd be dead pretty quick. Plus they dont have the guts to do it themselves, thats why they love gubmint
LOL the little girl selling water is going to be able to defend herself?
The other day some assholes were creating a disturbance, my options for stopping that was to either grab my gun and do it, something that would probably go sideways pretty quick, or to call the professionals who are willing to risk their lives to shut up rude people for free and without anyone being killed or injured. It's silly to suggest that vigilantes would be preferable, do you really want all the George Zimmermans in the world to have carte blanche?
And cops are protecting her how? Brainwashed slave.
By keeping BBQ beckys hands full with her cell phone. Canadian living in Mexico complaining about America.