I liked this part very much
Every person you meet every day can be a launch platform for your dreams or a threat to your future. With your power of intellect and voice of reason, it is up to you to come to the conclusion as to which one of the above they are. Are they going to help you improve and grow beyond who you are now, or are they going to pull you down with their interminable gabble of negativity and pessimism?
because it all depends on our company that we can choose now and in our future to fulfill our dreams.
I apologize for missing many of your great post, because due to the work I have had, you have hardly given me the opportunity to publish..... I will resume your excellent content
What an interesting article, as you always bring us friend @chbartist, the truth is that if we want our dreams to come true we must have good company to have those connections to our big dreams.