Leaving something positive and empowering unsaid is not something I feel comfortable doing and so it's pretty easy for me to compliment others. Life can be a fickle thing; A drunk driver swerves across the road and boom, you're dead. I don't like leaving things unsaid for this reason. I'd rather the person knows how I feel just in case.
It's also a great way to improve self-esteem of others and it works to great effect professionally and personally also.
Thanks for your compliments HD...I count three of them in the text above. I'm not sure I deserve all of them but are grateful to receive them and will do my best to live up to them. :)
Thanks for commenting, as always.
I know, I live with this could-die-any-moment frame of mind too and sometimes I wonder if it's healthy...To always feel like you're slightly on borrowed time..:) Does get things done though.
But I think we tend to over rate these last words...I mean, I never got to tell X I love him, well excepting the situation where you had a horrible fight with X, he probably knows :)
My pleasure, you deserve them :)
Maybe, I can see your point. But for me it's not just about saying the words for the other person; It's about saying them for me too. A positive, valuable thought about someone feels great in my noggin, but I get a great feeling from voicing it. I don't go around sprouting random thoughts all over the place though; They are always well-placed and valid.
Life can be brutal so why hold something back?
Think of all those people who went missing on MH17 a while back...I wonder how many went down to die a sudden death content that their last words were positive, complimentary and empowering.
If you could say something to someone, the last ever thing you said, what would it be? Work that out and then ask why would you not say them now? You know?
When you put it like that...yeah, then I get what you mean :) Obviously, you'd want the last thing you said to be something big and meaningful to you (and what's more meaningful than I love you?) :D
Yes maybe, but the words "I love you" are important and meaningful in themselves and when deployed with passion and conviction...Very powerful.