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RE: That Swing

in #life3 years ago

as if he had caught Sharon Stone's leathery old vagina trying to tip over his trash cans out the back.

Oh fuck, I thought Sharon Stone only did that to my trash cans!

Merry Christmas my brother, you're a champ, a Titan as we would say, and I appreciate you. I hope you and yours have a good one and 2022 is amazing. I'm not going to make a reference to crypto here...

Fuck that, yes I am! Goooooooooooo CRYPTO!


Sharon Stone, she gets about!!

Merry Christmas dude, if it still is there. You are a time traveling Titan that deserves the very best . I hope you and your good lady have a bloody cracker!

And yes, crypto, go go go!!! :0D

It's still Christmas here...Pushing on to 16:30 in the afternoon. Nap time. Lunch went well, just did a little post on it actually.

I hope you and the Boomy-fam has a good day mate...Lego, there better be Lego, or I'll be very upset!

Cryptopia is on the way

A wee nap is always grand. I will be checking out your post later when the craziness had calmed down.

There was Lego!! Not a huge one though, I was mildly disappointed!!

Lego is Lego...Even the small ones. 😀

It was fun!