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RE: A Dark and Majestic Otter

in #life10 months ago

Well hi there fucker, what the bloody fuck, here you are! #wtbf

I've already said it elsewhere but, condolences. Knowing what I know about it...well, it was a bad situation and there's no wonder you needed a break.

But...a bastardingly handsome debonair chap like you must push forward and unleash your bastardingly handsome debonairish ways upon us lesser beings right?

Good to have you back.


Dammit!!! I should have said WTBF!

One just simply cannot keep their bastardly handsomeness to themselves. It would be ungentlemanly!

Cheers man :OD

Every gentleman should take their time if needed. Sending a hug from here, from my commenting chair. I just couldn't resist reading to demon G.

Lol. Bloody hugs... What the bloody fuck!! 😜😜

It would be ungentlemanly and selfish. One must spread bastardingly handsomeosity like fucken clotted cream and strawberry jam on scones!

It is very reminiscent of clotted cream and the scone spreading!

Sounds almost like a Kid's story :OD

😂😂😂 I'm sitting back laughing at how compliment actually works now .😂😂 Bastardingly handsome

It's a fine thing. But like salt has to be used sparingly :OD

absolutely agreed 👌👌👌🔥💯 love the salt analogy totally get it...

You must be the next Shakespeare man😂

A salty Shakespeare, LOL!

😂😂😂 good one brother

One learns something new each day right?

absolutely G. And I'm loving what I'm learning from you and everyone else 👌🔥😂💯💯💯🥰