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RE: Soul Taker

in #life9 months ago

A heart breaker and soul taker like you can never have too many soul-taking devices to hand. Much and hearty applause for your latest soul-gathering thingamybob. May many bastard insects, government officials, tax collectors and cunts from Hive be killed until they be dead.

Also, you miming a bug being deaderised? This must be videoed and posted.


You have to be good at the miming in this household. People just dont seem to understand direct words!

Shame there wasn't an equivalent device for hive cuntage, lol! :OD

I bet you're a fucken excellent mime artist, you should start a school, like that Hive school that cunt doby created. Remember that? Wasn't he a royal greasy cunt!

Anyway, I've got a couple big appointments tomorrow, I'm going to mime my way through them to sharpen my skills.

Dobby was King of the Cunts! With his shiny polyester loungewear, lol.

Mime is the way, I can maybe rehabilitate the worst of the Hive scamster spammers through the medium of mime and turn them into good people once more. I shall make it my mission.

Hive Mime School. We mime together!

Mimehabilitation? Ye gods! That's genius indeed!

It's strange to think that most of the people on Hive will have no clue what we're talking about, doby and his school. Suckers. He was a douche though, but knew how to dress for sure. Not.


It's move on time
From the grime of crime
Climb out of the slime
With the Power of MIME!

They really would have no idea. They dont know that we have seen it all before, the "hilarious" antics of the losers, misfits and scammers

Excellent dobartimarising! Let me respond:

In the hot coldness of the day in the nighttime of the morning ocean of ice cream rose garden of dreams, comes the spoke of pitch black open forked water banana.

You know what I mean? (I know you do.)

On your last paragraph...yep, they're all the same man, but they think they're innovating.

Hahahah, Oh you win, that much more Dobby! They used to crack me up. He preceded AI with his ability to spout gibberish!