Haha, you're a cop? No offence intended with my last comment. It's just the reality here. I believe everyone should have some concept of how to handle a gun, especially in this day and age. My rule is that if you live in my house you need to know how to operate and make safe every type of firearm I have: Shotgun, rifle and semi-auto pistol and revolver. My wife is a proficient shooter for this reason.
Thanks for the luck, I'll need it this time around I think. :)
Lol no offense taken at all. Ive been a cop for 20 years and they can be some of the worst shots and most careless gun owners. I agree 100 percent about everyone in the home being proficient. My wife and daughter(when she lived at home) trained with all the weapons in the home.
I've got 3 mates that are cops and only two know how to shoot with any degree of safety, speed and accuracy. Frightening. Still, they're too busy revenue-raising by writing traffic infringements to ever have to shoot. I have another mate who is in the STAR Force (police tactical response unit)He's an ex-British Royal Marine. He knows how to shoot...And lift weights... :)
If I ever come up your way I promise to obey all the laws. I don't want to get papa-crushed! :)