I have come to a revelation today; Well, not so much a revelation I suppose. It's really more of a confirmation of sorts. It's made me feel pretty special, lucky, fortunate, worried and stressed at the same time...I'll explain.
I've just attended an event revolving around one of my hobbies held a 5 hour drive from home. From about a week away from the event the weather looked like it was going to be very hot. As it turned out the weather man didn't get it wrong as it was baking-hot all weekend. The ambient temperature in the town was 42C (about 107F) and at the location of the event it was around 46. The event was held in a disused limestone quarry and so the UV (and heat) reflected around with fierce intent. It was not simply uncomfortable, it was almost unbearable.
When I decided to attend the event my wife asked me if it was appropriate for her to come with me. I said it would be completely fine although she may get board watching the event. Her response was that she wanted to attend to support me and to be with me which meant a great deal to me. So, we planned the weekend away.
When the weather forecast came out confirming the extreme heat I offered my wife the opportunity to stay home. She declined.
Throughout the event (which involved a lot of physical activity and a lot of concentration) my wife kept me supplied with cold water, wet towels and food. She also helped to reset the props used in the sport between stages and also helped other competitors where possible. She carried my gear between stages, not all of it, but the lighter stuff, helped me get my kit on and make sure I had every little thing I needed to perform at my best. She did all of this without any complaint about the heat, about boredom or with no expectation of anything in return. She even went around the entire event with our camera and snapped images of the event for me knowing I'd want to do a steemit post about it.

My wife and I have been together for 30 years and in that time she has been a massive support to me in any hobby I have chosen. I've raced go-karts, played American Football, done shooting sports (which was the event we were at over the weekend) and have even trekked on the Kokoda trail in Papua New Guinea among many other things...And through it all she has been there to support me. Nurse me when I've been injured (physically or emotionally), congratulated me and chastised me when required...All without argument, complaint or disgruntlement.
The revelation I spoke of earlier in my post...A realisation maybe?
Driving home last night, over the 5 hours it took to reach home, I thought about the event I attended and the fact that it was made so much more enjoyable to have my wife there. I know many guys who would rather go on a blokes-trip without their wives using the opportunity to let their hair down and run-amok. For me I feel happier sharing my life with my wife. Sure, we spend time apart however I enjoy her company so much that I prefer to be together with her. So many people commented over the weekend about how fortunate I was to have her. I am. I know it. I felt so proud to have her there when they announced my result and subsequent placing in the competition.
We have spent a lot of time together, my wife and I, and I can truly say she is my best friend. She is supportive of me, honestly proud of my achievements and fiercely loyal to me and our relationship. She enjoys seeing me succeed and has always offered measured and valued advice when required, in my hobbies and professional life. We are a team, a unit, and in my opinion are unbreakable. I won't let anything come between us. We have each other's backs.
In the last couple of weeks I have learned my wife has some medical concerns that she has been having tests for and that scares me. She is ok, at least we think so, but I am concerned for her. I guess I'm a little selfish as well though because I think of myself... You see, I don't work very well without her and the thought of that freaks me out. We have been together since I was 17 and a half years old and as an (almost) 48 year old just can't understand how I could be without her.
We are getting older and have had the most rewarding lives together so far although with getting older comes thoughts of mortality, the end. Sure, we are a long way from there I hope, but when my wife owned up to the medical tests and some of the issues she has been dealing with I was left with a heavy heart. At the same time it made me think about how amazing our lives together have been and how much life we have ahead of us. We have plans, most of which involve living our lives by design and our own creation and to enjoy every moment we have been given.
We will work through whatever life throws our way; Always have. We are tough people, emotionally and physically and have a way of overcoming adversity, which we have had our share of. We value each other and would do anything for the other, willingly and selflessly. I have been honoured to have her at my side, in my corner, and feel like the luckiest man in the world..Because of her. Together we have forged a life and look forward to new horizons each day, week, month and year.
My mother once told me that "love is like a butterfly, hold on too tight and you'll crush it, and too loose and it'll fly away."I think my wife and I have it just right.
Design and create your ideal life, don’t live it by default
Heart image photo by Jamez Picard on Unsplash (thanks bro)
Wishing you and your wife (at least) another 30 years together of Good Health and Happiness together.
As someone happily married for 10 years, who also thinks of my wife as best friend & partner in Everything, it was inspiring to read your sweet love letter, @galenkp :)
I couldn’t help but notice one thing, though. You talk a lot about all that she does for you, but hardly at all about what you do for her... Modesty?
It wasn’t relevant to the post I guess. She knows though and that’s what matters. Thanks for your comment.
Robbie Williams song ' She's the one' came to my mind when I read your lovely story. I won't print it here because it is too long for a comment, but you can find the song on YouTube and I think you will like it very much.
I wish you and your wife many many happy years together. Thank you for this post, I read it on Monday morning and it will be a great Monday thanks to your inspiring post!
Hi @clio thanks so much. I will look that song up now.
I count myself as very lucky, not just to have my wife in my life, but also to be the sort of man she wants in her life. We grew up together really and to be honest I am very doubtful anything could come between us. We seem to be able to get over any summit no matter how insurmountable it may at first seem.
Have great Monday and week ahead.
A happily married man and woman, friends and companions for life, is about the most beautiful thing in the world. Inspiring! There may be many other couples married as long as the two of you, but few who are still best friends. That's as rare as gold bro. I tried to post this reply all morning, (night to you) but I used up all my bandwidth....wtf? Just got back on.
The interwebs were against you tonight bro. All good though, coming through loud and clear now.
Yeah, I hear you. Being married is one thing, but being friends also is quite another. Sometimes I wonder if my girl and I are just comfortable and together for the convenience of it but then I recall how amazing we are together and how inspiring she is to me and I know that we are together for the love we have for each other and the enjoyment of hanging out with our best friend.
interwebs to write this reply. :)Thanks for your comments @dissfordents and your persistence in dealing with the
1700 Monday night your way I guess and I’m at 1030 Tuesday enjoying my work day. Have a good night mate.
Congratulations @galenkp you seem to have found the golden circle. My grandmother used to say that the key to long and successful marriage is hidden in the patience, the forgiveness and the compromise. I love to write about my wife, because if not for our better half, we would not be full. Stay united and you will be strong! I wish you and your wife health and luck!
Thanks @nomad712 a wise lady your grandmother! Thanks for taking the time to read my post and for your comments.
I've been with my husband since I was 18, 46 now. :)
With all the influences of a modern society it seems rare that a couple stay together long-term these days. The world seems more superficial than it used to be or maybe I'm just getting older and seeing things more clearly? I have friends between the ages of 30-55 who are single and are on the (dare I say the words)..."dating scene" and it's horrific. I mean for me! I can only imagine what they feel about it. I hear an endless stream of comments about this date and that date and this Tinder thing and that RSVP thing...I find it increasingly abhorrent.
My wife work hard at what we have, as we should, and it seems to be coming together.
Thanks for reading and your comment.
If anything happened to my husband, I definitely wouldn't enter the dating scene!
Yep, I hear ya! It sounds horrendous!
This is such a wonderful story :D
thank you for sharing this with us..
Keep on Steeming @galenkp
Thank you @micch I think my wife and I compliment one another and have found the right balance between give and take. Many people have told me that perfect balance is 50/50 but my wife and I disagree. Sometimes it's weighted one way or the other more heavily. There's many other factors of course. I think we are just lucky to have such a good relationship in general. Sure, we have the same challenges that everyone else does but we seem to be able to work around them well.
Oh yes I understand I really salute couples who stays together though you have so many struggles that tests your relationship but inspite of that you both trust each other and make love wins more than anythong else..
I salute you guys for being such an inspiration to others.. Good job..
The post has been upvoted and resteemed! I started to follow you to see more of your work!
What a sweet post!
Why thank you @beemillz I appreciate the RS, the UPV and, of course, you taking the time to read and comment in the first place. My work is not all relationship-oriented and I have reasonably diverse interests and hobbies however I hope you find something of value, at least enough to continue to follow my blog and comment occasionally.
Have a great day (or night) depending on where you are.
I did take away something important from your post. I want to be in a lifelong relationship like you, and think it was important to say that supporting your loved one is super important. I think I have gotten better at that over the years, but there is definitely some room for improvement.
There’s always room for improvement and we are always seeking to do so...Maybe improvement doesn’t cover the concept fully though...Maybe its a deeper contentment or more satisfying life-experience we seek. Either way we never rest in our laurels, we consistently seek to design and create our ideal life.
I wish you the best with your journey. Thanks for commenting again.
Great story. Thank you for sharing. I hope your wife is good and she won't need any medicine. Your mother said to yo the truth. Only love her not hold on too tight.If she sees that you love her too much, she holds on you. And women know that how to hold on men. I hope your love gets greater every day.
You are sooo lucky dude and unconditional love is a rarity these days. Just make sure you don't take those acts of love likely and are always giving back more than you receive.
Good luck with the tests, and live every day likes it's your last, even if it is not.
Thanks @just2random after 30 years together we know that the only way to make things work is with some give and take. Not a day goes by that I don’t demonstrate my gratitude.
I’m also grateful that you took the time to read and comment on my post.
Hope all is well the tests. Between the cats, and this post, we've got an awful lot in common.
Mortality is hereditary, if it is any consolation.
Thanks man. I think all will be well but I’m on eggshells until we know what’s going on. Fingers crossed huh? Hopefully all is well your way also.
This is so beautiful!
I am getting married next year and I can only hope to achieve 30+ years living as happily as you sound!
Thank you for the inspiration!
Thank you for reading and commenting. All the best for your upcoming wedding.
What an absolutely BEAUTIFUL and loving tribute from your heart about the woman you love, your beloved wife!! It was very moving reading your thoughts. Left me feeling unusually emotional!! Here's to wishing you both continued peace, love, health, wealth and most of all "togetherness" for a LONG time to come!!!
Thank you for your kind words @kismet2018 I appreciate it. I’m head over heels in love and have been since I met her just over 30 years ago. We are content and happy. :)
What a beautiful post. Thanks for sharing. Its pretty clear there is a lot of love there, its great to see long married couples who still genuinely care for one another. Well done on being a great example. @positiveninja
THAT bad to live with.Thank you @positiveninja we are a happy couple. I am a lucky man and she's a long-suffering wife :) Well, I don't think I'm
Oh, kudos on the name mate...Anyone who can work ninja into their username deserves a follow. I look forward to reading some of your stuff.
The name is partially thanks to my lovely wife. She had a business cake Ninja, so I kinda stole it & repurposed it for my positivity projects :-). Thanks for the follow
Again, you impress me..."Cake Ninja" GOLD!
You're welcome on the follow bro. I'll check out your blog over the next few weeks and see where you take it.
Wow your wife is so beautiful sir.
All the very best .... you are one lucky guy ...brother
wonderful photography
Great post, my wife and I ar also best friends, together you can do anything!
I wish you the best outcome with the medical issue's your wife and you have to go true .
I agree. All the best to you and your wife.
This post made me tear up a little bit. What you have with your wife is beautiful and someday, I hope to feel the same and share that euphoric journey together with someone I deeply care about as well. Wishing you many more years of happiness and blessing in your marriage. Thanks for sharing such a private yet inspiring story :)
Hello @iphonetraveler thanks for taking the time to read my post and for commenting. As a young lad of 17 years old I never knew what my life would shake out like, how it would look. Only a short time later I met my wife and almost instantly I knew I wanted to be with her forever. I was told how young I was and that these feelings would change, that it was too soon to make decisions like that but 6 years later we were married.
We have spent our lives together and have done some amazing things. I would have it no other way.
I hope you find your one as well and find the same happiness we have found.
Sounds like a fairy tale. "I knew I wanted to be with her forever." As a girl, we dream of such a moment since we're little girls and one day, hope to hear someone say that about us. Hehe I am genuinely happy for your happiness. God bless <3
I wish i could honestly make post like this in 20 years from now, cheeers!
We are not a perfect couple by any estimation, but then who is? We give and take and show patience and understanding. There’s many factors that help us make things work though. Relationships take time to come together sometimes and a lot of time and effort to maintain. Good luck with yours mate. :)
Nice, I hope you keep on supporting, appreciating and caring for each other (we often take things for granted)
That's actually a very, very impressive kind of relationship! So you say 30 years and I see an image of a very young couple, max 35. I might think that you met your wife when you were 5 years old? Yeah, this was really my first thought.
Thanks @steeminfluencer. We met when I was 17 and a half and she was a couple of weeks off turning 16 right back in 1987. We were married in 1993. It's 2018. The math works out perfectly.
I seem it makes sense :) I'll stay around and follow.
I love seeing happily married couples who are not just married but best friends. I wish you and your wife many, many more happy and joyous years. The love you two share for each other is wonderful!
You will not find someone's love from her looks, her dress, or her luxury car. You just can feel the love present and creep slowly as he sings for his own life.
Congratulations! What a lovely story and even more lovely reflection. You two make a wonderful team and inspire others around to dig deep and understand each other at a core level. True love ❤️