(This is a response to a blog article written by @aimad97)
I'm an exception, not because I think I am different, but because I accept that in the scale of everything, we are all the same. I don't try to force myself into being "different" because that'd be wasted energy. What I do instead is accept it all and try to live my life the best I can, accepting our superficial differences, and concentrate on what matters instead; paying taxes, feeding my kids, taking them to school and making sure they will learn sciences and arts sufficiently, reading to and communicating with them.

Self reflection
We all want to be rich. Deep inside we are all greedy as hell. But hey it's all natural, we want to succeed because we want to live, we want to succeed because we want our offspring to thrive. That's why we all want to get rich, it's a means to survival, or at least survival with the least effort. Richness can help ourselves not worry about the future, or our kids' future. Whatever happens after we die doesn't matter, as long as we can give our own genepool a kickstart in life.
No-one is an altruist. That's just religious speak.

don't forget to get laid. a lot of people only want money cause money gets the btchez or its the only thing they have going for them.