Wow thats fantastic , Im jealous .... I believe Bruce is buried in Seattle is that correct, Ive never been to the states but would love to go on a pilgrimage one day .... so many cool people on Steemit from Florida must be a hotspot!
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HAHA Yes We lived in North Jersey, NYC for a while but now in FL. He is in Seattle, I believe they killed Brandon Lee on purpose.
Of course , are you aware of the Dionysian cult of ancient times, theres too many coincidences in the deaths of these famous people for there not to be a more plausible explanation . As Sherlock Holmes said "It is an old maxim of mine that when you have excluded the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth" .... well to me the truth appears to be that certain stars are literally bred from an early age for ritual sacrifice , theres just too many strange coincidences , too many glitches in the matrix for there not to be an underlying story. I might elaborate in future posts if they don't get to me first lol ;)
Of course I am! I am part Greek haha an I agree with you! I never thought if it like that. I think they are def. bred into that lifestyle and sell their soul. Bob Dylan and many other have admitted to it. All the dances Madonna and Beyoncé to for Shiva, Trust me I know what you mean. :)
Your very clued up (is that a phrase in US?)! Beyonce has an alter ego , Madonna sang "material world" thats the principal of satanism, inversion , putting material before spirit , its a subtle attack on human energy that means we co-create reality against nature and natural law, hence the desent into chaos .... but we are fighting back and its great to talk to like minded folks, spiritual warriors who know we are in a battle :) Half Greek , explains the Aphrodite looks :)
have you read my post on Gamma Rats lol ... its relevant .
No, we don't have that saying but I understand it! Even Katy Perry came from a Christian background and admits to selling her soul, I have been to Mansion parties when I was in my twenties hosted by P Diddy, and I saw him with my own eyes making out with another man, I also saw VIn Diesel in a room doing the same thing. These people in that world are twisted. When Puffy would host his white party he would change into a black suite because its said it takes the energy away from everyone else wearing white. I understand the order out of chaos theory. I'm a light worker for the man upstairs. I think Aleister Crowley plays a big part in the industry even though he is dead, he did a lot of wicked stuff and opened up a lot of evil doors. His quote that Jay Z always wears "do as thou wilt" Its all crazy!!!
Aphrodite looks, Thank you :) Your post are great...
Wow .... your a goldmine of information I'm really glad we are conversing. I knew about Vin Diesel but didn't know about P Diddy ! This is a very important strategy of the satanic , inversion agenda, making us worship false idols. Any real idols, Bill Hicks, John Lennon, JFK are taken out and replaced with hollow souls, pied pipers leading the masses off a moral cliff. Crowley lived on the shores of Loch Ness you know, many people believe the "monster" is an invocation of his .... you know 911 is connected to Crowley too through numerology and the Thelemic number , I may write a post at some point, Do as thou wilt is the doctrine of satanism, its ego first, before nature or spirit, its take energy not give out .... Are you a fan of Mark Passio? American counter culture is pretty amazing I must say.