Thank you friend. Yes I've seen Equilibrium many times and I agree with you somewhat although I dont think its a case that we're not allowed to make metaphorical movies just that through the process of behaviourism the populus is now so "dumbed down" that movies like this are not popular. Just like in music which has become full of talentless and facile people who have no originality or nuanced thinking to offer, movies since CGI are just firework shows and the modern consumer is happy to consume dogshit so long as its sprinkled with glitter. Expose movies can still be made though take The Big Short for example, this movie even tried using pop culture to explain how badly the average person is being shafted and yet provoked no real reaction. People are locked in psychological hypnotised prisons and the powers that be could literally go on the mainstream news and tell everyone blatantly, and it would still have very little effect.
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