Do you think we can truly succeed as an equal society?

in #life8 years ago

I’m such a fan of helping the people worse off than myself, those that don’t have the tools to do better, or achieve better. Or even those that are at a somewhat disadvantage to others be it a myriad of social displacements or physical disablements. Whatever the case I think society should step up in true collectivism style and help out.

My last post sparked quite a debate, and, in true fashion did what I wanted. It started a discussion. Apologies that I didn’t get to you all, my friend had woman troubles so I’ve spent most of my time trying to be an all in one bar-stool and bartender.

Anyway, one post stood out for me and I think it’s led me onto another discussion, I also plan to be part of this discussion too! It lead to a larger discussion. I totally believe that people should be rewarded for their efforts. I believe if you stick at something and work hard at it, you should be rewarded. And differently according to level of risk, effort, and responsibility one needs to bear and so on.

What I don’t believe is that someone at the very top of the food chain can earn wages completely disproportionate to their own level of responsibility, et al, to someone right at the bottom. Both work hard, both put in a considerable amount of effort and both would have no job without one another. Sadly, it feels like we are being drawn into a pre-war era where food was ridiculously expensive and wages were exceedingly low.

You can see it now with grocery prices rising by at least double in the last five years and where wages have stagnated. They have barely budged an inch, and we, you, I, have had to forage for food whilst those at the top have reported record earnings and became oh so much fatter in the monetary sense.

And this is why I think true equality will never work, not in our lifetimes. We can work to make the world a better place for our children but we as a species have a long, long way to go to achieve true equality. If you look at the anarcho-socialists, socialists, collectivists, and all the other ists out there of the left, they all want the same thing, but working towards our goal we have begun to argue amongst ourselves like petulant children. I’m guilty of this too. I don’t know why but some ideas from other collectivists have me burning like a fire-rage inside.

I see other people of my political orientation decrying those that have no work, and that they should be put to work by the government to help pay for their upkeep. Personally, I think we should just leave them alone and help them work on their chances of getting a job that suits them. Not your idea, or mine, or anyone else’s.

We’ll always have something to moan at, and if that gets sorted you bet we’ll find something else, it’s hard pleasing millions of people that are so divided and brainwashed on certain issues. Don’t think you’re brainwashed? Pick a touchy subject, then look at an unknown and innocent picture of that subject; the one you feel the most hatred to and make the most judgements without knowing any other details apart from the picture itself is an effect of brainwashing. Fear, hatred, etc

But I digress. Perhaps we’ll see incredible change in the next 50 years. Who knows? We can only live on hope!

Thank you, please, comment away!


Nobody shoul be "rewarded" for anything, no matter how hard they work, unless those who reward do it completely of their free will. If i take a baseball bat and swing it against a tree all day, should i be rewarded for my hard work ? No.
The only thing that matters is freedom from force. All problems stem, in one way or another, from the use of government force to twist human incentives. This always leads to distortions in the economy .. This always leads to creating more dependant poor and rich people being able to buy of politicians to get even richer.

I like what you just said there. I agree!


Haha. We'll just have to wait and see?

there will alway be oligarchs

This is true - because of exactly what @gduran commented

Regardless of whatever happens there will always be people who will try to take advantage of the situation at the expense of others. This has happened, is happening and will always happen, it is human nature and I doubt if there is any way of overcoming this.

// there will always be people who will try to take advantage of the situation at the expense of others.//

Totally agree, and most of those people are called voters

I'm unsure how you came to that? Care to elaborate?


Following you now. This is an issue close to my heart.

While I tend to focus on Cottage Industry as the solution and want to see more people able to support wholesome lives by creating higher quality foods and goods than can be bought in most stores, it's easy to get caught up in focusing on "my" solution. I believe there are many visions of ideal life and that we need to learn to live together in diversity. It can be so easy to get into the mindset that any obstacle my favorite "solution" is inherently bad. It would be easy for me to demonize big box stores or industrial agriculture etc, (and I often have) when a more enlightened view would see all things as having a place in our future. That means all people and all styles of life.

I appreciate your view and discussion and hope my comment was remotely on topic. :)

It was. For me creating a discussion is how I see others perspectives. Thanks for that

Excellent! Thanks for being a conversation starter!

It is a beautiful dream.

Hopefully the trend towards decentralized sharing and problem solving will enable everyone to find a niche of 'value' which can be sold/exchanged on the open market. However, given the 'winner-take-all' aspects of the digital age, most people will end up consuming services and product from a handful of best producers. This is great for efficiency, but does raise the problem of keeping everyone else productively engaged. Perhaps reward of non-monetary value (like volunteering with elderly, injured and sick etc.) can be achieved and spread some of the massive productivity gains we will have through automation and the cheap availability of super-star talent through digital scaling. I can't see a system based on charity from the economic winners creating a sense of individual engagement. People need to feel like they earning / creating / contributing something to be healthy over the long term.