Ecigs don't contain alcohol...
And yes that's the reason an alcoholic hot drink is beneficial during a lung cold.
And this is stuff from the grandparents. The old ways.
Ecigs don't contain alcohol...
And yes that's the reason an alcoholic hot drink is beneficial during a lung cold.
And this is stuff from the grandparents. The old ways.
Well, I will say, the old ways deserve far more credit. There is a reason folks did things the way they did.
Yep there's been a lot of knowledge that we have lost over the course of human history.
Just imagine where would be if we could keep it all here with us and send it down the generations
I knew a super old lady who had all KINDS of amazing remedies that she was brought up with as a little girl. When she was a little girl, her parents used to allow the fruit to go moldy and they'd feed it to the kids and put the mold on infections to eat the bacteria. Predecessor to penicillin apparently. That's how they done things. She also had an activated charcoal salve she used to place on snake and spider wounds to remove the poison and barbs from the skin tissue. It would just come out in a blob. Whereas now, it eats away at the skin and makes people sick.
She had another thing where someone had a wound that was bleeding in his leg, so she walked out to the nearby woods and gathered morning spider webs, rolled them up, and compressed them on his wound to help coagulate the blood so it would stop bleeding. And he survived. He would have died. It was his femoral artery.
You don't see that shit at the hospital!! LOLOL
We've been CONDITIONED and INDOCTRINATED to place too much authority and trust into a system that robs us of the ability to place trust in the human body, and the human mind, and the human spirit.
Not to say medicine and doctors can't help. They absolutely can, and I am grateful for them. However, they should not be the ultimate authority on my body. I SHOULD. I should be the one who knows when something is wrong, and I should have the ability to tune in and figure out what to do about it.
And there are spiritual healers all over the globe who help you tune into your body and find what it actually needs. I actually do that. I know how. It's not something I specialize in, but I've done it TONS. And I have been able to help people find relief from illnesses and symptoms no other medicine or specialist could find a cure for. In just one or two short sessions.
It boggles my mind we don't teach this more. Or do it more. Boggling.
Actually using spider webs as well as silk too coagulate wounds is historically known as well as medically proven.
Mongolian warriors would wear multiple layers of shirts made of silk so when they would get shot with an arrow they would just pull the arrow including the arrowhead and Barb straight out of their body. The innermost layers of silk shirt would actually stay inside the body and coagulate the wound.
So absolutely there is a huge amount of knowledge that we need to start stockpiling away and become aware of because here very soon we are all going to need exactly that information.
Especially when you do not have any access to the internet.