Preparing the Homestead for Winter.....The Time is Right Now

in #life8 years ago

Have you ever had to climb a ladder when it was bitter cold outside because you forgot to check your roof for damages from the Winter before, well I have and it ain't pretty. This post is going to give you an informal checklist of all the things that you should be doing (among the other 1000's of things in the short summer month) to your homestead now to prepare for the harsh bitter Winter months. Perhaps you already do most things on this list, but then again there may be some you had never really thought of. So here goes:

Get the ladder out and put it up and eyeball your roof. Walk on it if you can. You may want to check out the base of the Chimney, or the shingles if you have any, or any rust spots that may have gotten worse than may present a problem over the coming winter. Also you may want to test and check any heating wires that are attached, and the base of the stink pipe, and the whirly bird thingy. LOL Don't just do your home, check the roof on the chicken coop, the sheds and the barn as well.


Clean out the chimney pipe. Yup that is a given but some just feel that burning wood logs you can buy in a store will clean it out you are dead wrong. What if a nest over the Spring started to form in the top of the chimney? Then go down into your basement and open the door on the chimney and clean that out too.


Next is clean all the debris from your Dryer vent outside and down the hose. That is a fire hazard waiting to happen, and it will cost you a fortune on hydro to dry your clothes with a vent that is jammed with lint.


Inspecting your insulation, and weather stripping around windows and doors. Replace anything that has worn down. Get your caulking gun out and look around the outside of your windows making sure none of the seal has rotten or broken away and replace what has. Insulate your water pipes at this time also if you have not already done so.

Door seeling.jpg

Window seeling.jpg

If you have a Generator, this is a great time to take it out, and get it started, check the gas and the quantity of gas you have on hand. You might want to use that up and get fresh stuff for the winter.


Next you will want to take out your shovels and any other snow removal equipment such as a snowblower, or a roof rake and inspect for damages and rust. Start your snowblower and again if you need to replace gas for it do so now, verify if it needs a mix of gas and oil, and perhaps write down the proper ratio just in case someone else has to fill it, and for heaven's sake tell someone where the key is....I have provided a link below, on how to get your snowblower ready for winter.


I Hope that this list has shed some light on perhaps something you missed. If you can add something to my list and share with your fellow homesteaders please do, "KNOWLEDGE IS POWER"

Happy Trails

Image Sources


Good post, I followed and look forward to reading your blog!

Excellent advise. I'm older and live by myself. Being on the roof during a snow storm was a lesson learned the hard way. Not only is it cold and uncomfortable, but it is down right dangerous. Tips like these could actually save someone's life by preventing fires or nasty falls.

Couldn't agree more. Knowledge is power. We need to help one another, this is why I post stuff like this. Thanks

Always, always... can't stress it enough- do regular maintenance on the generator. My first year, I didn't and well, paid dearly for it.
Great reminders!

All good advice. We are getting our chimney remade before winter as it has started leaking into the attic in heavy rain. The scaffolding arrives on 16 August.

I am following you, now, for more such posts.
Hope to see you, follow me too! CheersNice n interesting post @gardengirlcanada


Yes, burn that old gas out of your generator! Good advice all around!

Thank you. It is just common sense.

Great advice. The dryer vent is often an overlooked area. Following!

Best preparing months in advance than a second too late.
Great advice!

Perhaps by chance my fellow homestead friend are you Canadian, Niagra Falls ? Thanks

Fellow Canadian indeed!


Seems like I'm ALWAYS a season behind lol. Still need to finish painting the house before snow flies. If anyone has a metal roof, any tips for walking up there???

Metal Roof, go and borrow what is called a hook ladder, put up just a regular 20-30 ft then have someone hand you the hook ladder and hook it to the peek. Roofers use them all the time. If you have rust patches, take an orbital electric sander, with a 50-60 grit paper and just pass over it, you don't want a hole, then you apply a metal oxide primer it is typically grey, then you would want to apply an aluminum (silver) Metal Clad paint. The reason you want silver is because any color you apply will absolutely peel even with a primer after 3-4 years. Trust me I know. I am reading this off of my contract with the painter that came and sanded and rolled with a roller pole the paint. Don't get a sprayer, they are horrible and you will have everything covered in the over spray. My neighbor had his barn done last year and his entire fence and tractor and lawn furniture was just covered in it. Also they only take a pressure washer and wash the roof first before spraying, actually sanding it will ensure that the paint primer actually adhere's to the metal of the roof. Will last longer. Hope this all helps.

Was thinking about that!!! I was a fireman for 20 years, and we called them "Attic ladders" (Hook ladder) I would need to make my own out of wood. My roof is only 2 yrs old, so it's in good shape. I need to get up there to clean my chimney. Thanks for the tips though.

This is so timely! I was just thinking yesterday that the weather felt cooler (we've gotten a break in the sweltering heat for a day or two), and this got my mind thinking ahead to winter and what preparations I need to do now, before it gets cold. Thank you! 100% upvoted @gardengirlcanada

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Thanks again for this post!

Great post and very informative. I live in Bulgaria, hot summers but very cold winters and we too have a list of things to do to prepare for winter. Every year is a learning curve and there's always something we've missed ! Love your posts, will be following.