First of all I have never been a religious person I believe there does have to be a creator but I believe this creator is beyond space and time, I also think or at least hope that we are just sparks of this creator and when we die the life that is in us just goes back to its source.
But I do have a question to Evangelicals and Catholics on Steemit. Now I know that the idea behind both religions is the saving of one's soul, to live for ever after in the presence of God, to achieve this protestants believe you have to be born again and accept Jesus Christ as your personal savior, Catholics rely on Jesus Christ but also you have to have faith and your deeds must also be in accordance with the necessary piety to be able to get to heaven.
Now my question goes like this and it is something I have always asked myself, we all know that Adolf Hitler was found by Russian soldiers in his bunker dead along with Eva Braun, the idea being that either he killed Braun and then committed suicide or the other way around. Now suppose that in fact he along with Eva Braun repented of their sins, accepted Jesus Christ and were then executed by the Russians.
Would this mean that Hitler would in the after life be in Heaven in spite of all that he did? And to top it off millions of the people whom his decisions killed will probably go to hell because they didn't repent? You know I am talking about soldiers, civilians killed during bombings and of course those killed in concentration camps.
I wonder if this sort of thing is really possible, because if it is, I think we are being played a huge practical joke down here. Of course as I have already told you I don't have any religious feelings, I do believe in a creator but I don't believe in the divine origin of any book whatsoever.
I believe in the Bible. I do not believe Hitler would have been saved even if he repented and truly believed Jesus was his savior. 1 I dont think Hitler would have truly meant it and had a changed heart. 2 Even if he did have a changed heart, I believe God isnt so rigid that just because one criteria was met that all things would have been forgiven. Very good question and I appreciate topics to get people thinking.
@gduran, your post came across my feed; so, I guess I’m the first Christian to try and answer your question in simplest of terms.
First, and foremost, with GOD ALL things are possible (Matthew 19:26).
Whether people go to heaven or hell is the mystery that only God holds the answer to.
As a Christian, the Holy Bible discusses who will and won’t enter the kingdom of heaven (1Corinthians 6:9).
We’re also taught that we are ALL sinners, and have fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23); for which we give eternal thanks to Jesus for being the Savior of the world from eternal damnation.
The Bible also teaches that God so loved the WORLD that He gave His only begotten Son, so that none would perish; and that those who believed on Him (Jesus) would not perish; but, have everlasting life (John 3:16).
There are more verses that could create a book of this post; but, ultimately, I hold out hope in believing that when staring at death’s door, it’s transparent and all see Jesus for Who He is, and have that final chance to BELIEVE and receive His Gift of eternal life with Him.
I'm reminded that when Jesus hung on the Cross at Calvary, two criminals hung on crosses next to him. One repented of his sins (no matter the sin) and believed in the Lord Jesus. This man was given Jesus' Word that at day's end, he would be with Him in Paradise. This infers that even at death's door SALVATION is possible (Luke 23:32-43).
Lastly, it all goes back to the first: With God ALL things are possible. Worth noting, there are some things even Jesus does not know…most notably, when the world ends; but, when that time comes, He will assuredly let us know (Matthew 24:36). Be ready.
*Please put the Bible verses in your search engine for full text, preferably KJV.
Still the question I asked was direct and you give no specific answer, I take it that in the hypothetical case I presented, Hitler would find himself in heaven and many of the people who died because of his decisions would end up in another place as that is what I can grasp from your quotes. Would you not find that as kind of lacking in justice?
Justice...that's one of those words that I can never wrap my head around when I hear of heinous acts committed against children; and, abuses against peoples at the hands of a person overtaken by evil.
It's the case where I have to admit my humanness; in that, knowing someone gets to have their day in court after plowing down unsuspecting people on a sidewalk, leaves me voting for swift justice of retribution in like kind. And then, I'm at peace that they have another day of life to seek forgiveness and maybe serve their time in a way that can be of use for God's glory. With God all things are possible. I must refrain from judging lest I receive the judgment I put on others.
So, smh...I'm not the person to have the discussion about 'justice' with. That's a case for God; and, I trust that He has His Hand on the 'Justice' button.
About Hitler...his mother was a practicing Catholic; and, he was baptized and confirmed in the Catholic church.
That said, I don't believe in once saved always saved; because, many turned back from walking with Jesus; and, He rendered them of no use (John 6:60).
So, not judging; but I'd find it very hard to believe he's in heaven. After all, HELL is a real place. There's the lake of fire that few people ever talk about; but, it's a real place. (Revelation 20:13, Matthew 13:50).
God says, You will know them by their fruit (Matthew 7:15-20).
So, calm your thoughts. I'm glad you're open enough to believe in a Creator. Only He can bring you to the truth as He'd have you receive it. Truthfully, I'm more concerned about people who still have breath in their bodies, and refuse to believe that there is life after this one; than those in which the die has been cast, no pun intended.
Best regards.
Btw, here's the link regarding Hitler's religious views:
That is a good question, but it is a life boat case (a very rare situation that is almost impossible).
My answer is that Hitler would not receive salvation in this case.
This is not a good example to explore salvation. It is a life boat case and does not apply to the majority of people in the world.