Many people believe this saying is true, and you really can see a persons true feelings by looking at their eyes, if they are sad or worried they furrow their eyebrows making their eyes look smaller, when they are happy they raise their eyebrows which makes their eyes look bigger and brighter. When people lie they generally try to avert your look and also when you are crying whether it is because you are sad or happy it is through the eyes that tears flow.
I read that you can even tell a persons political leanings by just looking at their eyes, a person is liberal if he follows your eyes when you look away from them, this one I didn't know, first time I heard of it and frankly I don't believe it's true. Another tidbit is that people with light colored eyed can handle their alcohol better than people with dark colored eyes. Another one I don't believe, alcohol tolerance depends on the person not the eyes.
Also some people are believed to be able to put an evil eye on you, in Spanish it is called "mal de ojo", in Central America at least mothers are very keen on telling their kids not to look at certain people lest they get an evil eye, which could be very harmful, doubtful but who knows.
And on top of all of this you also are supposed to have a third eye, the eye of the soul this one is the contact with other spiritual levels, this eye is between and above the other two, this is the eye with which you are able to see spiritual things, the one that helps you to contact the other side, whatever dwells there, I find this interesting because if it is true it would confirm that other spiritual levels do exist, and that probably the soul does live on.
Now that photograph I put up there are my eyes, as I have told you I usually got to a casino and play video poker and I am a perpetual loser, today I was talking with one of the girls who works there and she told me she is going to quit because she has converted to an evangelical religion and she now believes that the casino is a work of the devil.
So I told her to look in my eyes long and hard and tell me what she saw, I looked at her intently and she told me I probably was diabolical, so I just told her if I were really diabolical why do I never win at that casino? So probably I am an example of what people think is the evil eye, and it just confirms my belief that the evil eye is an old wives tale.
The eye is the window of the soul but the eye can also hide so many feelings...some times a person may be crying, it might be tears of joy or sorrowful tears, sometimes its hard to know