Why not Give Up...yea GIVE UP!

in #life7 years ago

You  should give up. Quit whatever you’re working on; whatever you’re trying  to accomplish right now. Just throw in the towel. And why not? Is this  pain really worth it? The blood, sweat, and tears? The effort that  you’ve already spent trying to do this thing or get to wherever you’re  going? Why not just give up? Your effort doesn’t guarantee success. In  fact, in this competitive world made of winners and losers, chances are  you’re going to be on the losing side of things. And being a loser hurts and  sucks not matter how many feel-good quotes you read from athletes and  writers and philosophers. The only reason why you know these quotes, is  because these people “made it.” And people who “make it” are fond of  telling other people that they can “make it” too. Which is silly because  they should know better: Not everyone is going to “make it.” I know this all sounds cynical  but life isn’t a bed of roses. Isn’t it just better to call it quits  before things get too hard and your heart gets broken anyway? Have you  seen what happens to people who don’t make it? They go into depression,  and who knows how long that will last? Nobody wants to say it:  Mediocrity isn’t that bad. And it’s not in fact better to have loved and  lost, than to not to have loved at all. We need to stop believing all  these silly clichés. You should just give up now. Unless of course you’re willing  to pay the price of not giving up – more blood, more sweat, more tears.  The reality is that you might fail, you might fail miserably with  creased hands, a few more worry lines, and in the end, a broken spirit.  That could happen. That is a possibility that you must be willing to  accept in whatever you’re doing. 

But what if you kept fighting?  And what if all that fighting, and modifying your dreams, and going to  bed late and waking up early, led to something? What if that something  led to you catching a break? What if that break were people who believed  in you and helped you along the way? What if this belief kept you going  and eventually you went to that promised place – that promised place of  success? What if, after everything, you finally won? It would all have been worth it.  And I’d bet you’d go through twice the pains to get to that place. But  this place is every bit as real as it is imaginary. You think the glory  is in this place but as those who did their very best and failed will  tell you: The glory was always in the process; the outcome only makes it  sweeter. Failure is better than giving  up; participation is better than spectating; scars are better than thin  skin. Or whatever. You can give up and never know sweet success or the  courage of a magnificent failure. You can give up and never know who you might have been. 

Content source:   https://thoughtcatalog.com/kovie-biakolo/2014/03/why-you-should-give-up/