Don't try to be someone else when you can be better

in #life7 years ago

Theres nothing worse than trying to be like anybody. Since u dont have the same HISTORY why trying to copy their DESTINY.

IMG_20180413_225903.jpg #those who hav a COUNTERFEITED DESTINY ends up in a MYSTERIOUS TRAGEDY#

Never try to be like anybody, having a mentor or looking up to someone is a different thing from trying to be someone.

Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind. To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.

Why trying to be someone when you can be yourself, do you think he or she is cool, way cool than you think, try doing it your way and you'll be surprised you're way more cooler.

You don't have the same history why trying to copy their destiny, life is in stages and levels, life has it time and it's game, study life and don't study him, you can be better.
you have no other wise choice than to be yourself. You can try to be someone you're not, plenty of people try but they all ultimately fail.

They started somewhere, it didn't just happened over the night, be dependent, earn your respect and be your self. Self-improvement isn't about trying to become someone you're not; it's about becoming the best version of yourself.


It is not an easy thing to be yourself in this time and age. Peer pressure and society has a great deal to say about people that have an opinion that is outside of the"norm". To find oneself is to have pure freedom from the judgement of others.
Once you have found who you truly are you can stand in a complete different light.
Thank you for sharing, and keep on steemin!