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RE: There Is No Planet B

in #life3 years ago

I looked down at my now cold dinner.

Her protest power already cooled things! Maybe all that hot air wafting out of the COP26 meeting will heat your breakfast by proxy. Or something. Don’t want you to suffer two cold meals in a row!

I never try to dissuade idealism and enthusiasm in youngsters, as long as they get to see the full reality and consequences of their chosen platform.

My father was a stone cold tree killa, and I’m most definitely cut from the ecological mold, yet we still can have a convo about touchy subjects without carnage, so I think you did splendid on The Greta T front. They do infuse them with ideology young these days though, eee.


They do. It is almost like the youngsters come prepacked with the ideology.

I am quite the tree hugger and my dad was someone who literally couldn't give a hoot for the environment or anything like that. WE were the same though and could cha stand talk and disagree and it would all be good. That is the way talk should go, back and forth without all the argy bargy. Especially with family!.

My breakfast tomorrow had better not get cold though. Or there will be hell to pay!


I’m definitely suffering from argy bargy fatigue (Magnificent term btw:). Maybe I hugged so many trees in my youth that the sap inhalation inhibited my hate receptors, cause I really don’t get the whole you must DIE a thousand horrible deaths mentality just because of ideological disagreement. Wish the world was more like you and your dad.

I think I’m gonna go touch some grass and send some positive vibes your way, don’t want to see a literal MeesterBOOM cause of frigid breakfast lol!

Hehe, I'm all talk, ridiculously so!

I think I have huge too many trees also in the great past.

I almost think that no one deserves a thousand deaths. Well, excrpt my alter ego. After all there has to be a bit of evil to balance out the good to make everything make sense! :0)