Oh DS, your reply made my day, especially the dead heading of the flowers quip, lol!
Your neighborhood sounds glorious, and you are so right about produce always finding a home, even zucchinis😉. And I always plant a big crop of flowers just because I love them too, it's never a waste of time to do things that bring you joy, I mean that is a purpose, right?
I am super curious to hear how your indoor gardening progresses. I have been pretty happy with mine, although, successive seeding on a reliable schedule has not happened as it should. Getting to take a trip to the Mother Earth News Fair sounds amazing! I can just imagine all of the vendors and symposiums to partake it, all revolving around topics that I love!
Life has treated me to a case of the flu, but now I am forced to rest a bit, so it could be worse. I hope that you are having the very best of days😊