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RE: Focusing on What Matters

in #life7 years ago

Hi Lydon, by any chance have you ever read Dietrich Bonhoeffer Life Together? Your post here reminds me a great deal of parts of his first chapter on community. He writes of how in Christ and through Christ we are placed in a community not of our own creation nor choice and the true calling is to relate to people as ones Christ is redeeming. The take away I hear in both the book and your account here is how incredible relationships become when we begin to look deeper than the places we tend to stop. Good stuff.


how incredible relationships become when we begin to look deeper than the places we tend to stop.

Oh how true that is.

I have not read Life Together. Bonhoeffer continues to be a tremendous influence on my life, and this particular book is on my reading list. :)

Excellent... I’d really recommend it. I’m actually teaching from it over the next 5 weeks in my congregation for a Lenten book study. It’s really an excellent read!

Ahh, curious to hear how that goes!

Funny story, my wife is taking a class this semester on Bonhoeffer. Can you guess which book she bought for the syllabus? :)

Ummm i'm going to go out on a limb and guess Life Together... but if i had a second guess it would have to be Cost of Discipleship... but I'm gonna go with my gut on this one

Ding ding ding, we have a winner. Life together it is. :)

Well I hope she enjoys the read! Two weeks into teaching with my folks and I’d say what I keep hearing from folks is “it’s a dense read”... it is, but goodness there is some riches in there!

After reading many books, the only ones that stay in our library are the dense ones, lol. :)