Teach your child not to fit in

in #life7 years ago


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Have you ever been in a situation where you felt totally alone without a friend in the world? 

Have you ever felt as if you don't fit in anywhere? 

Have you ever done something or felt pressure to do something even though you know that it is wrong, but you still do it, just because others do it? 

If you have, you have been a victim of peer pressure. 

Peer pressure (or social pressure) is the direct influence on people by peers, or an individual who gets encouraged to follow their peers by changing their attitudes, values, or behaviors to conform to those of the influencing group or individual. 

Your immediate peers influence your life, even though you might not realize it. We learn from each other. Babies learn from examples, and mimic what other's do.  It's just human nature to listen and learn from other's in your age group. Peer pressure is very common under young people but also with adults.  Peer pressure is mostly looked at as negative but more than often peer pressure from the right friends, can help us out of a difficult situation.  If you choose the right friends they can prevent or stop us from making mistakes.   

Today we had a class discussion about this specific topic.  My students are usually very open with me, so they are fairly relaxed with the types of questions I come up with.  They know that I have their best interest at heart and they also know that I am very open minded. Because they are shy, I gave them each a paper to write down their answers anonymously. This specific class consists of 34 students, and they are all between 17 and 18 years old.    

I asked them these questions:

1.  Have you used any type of drugs before? 

2.  Have you ever done something that you know is wrong, but you did it in any case?

The results are as follow;

Question 1 = 27/34 ( 79.4%) said yes

Question 2 = 29/34 (85.26%) said yes

I don't know which is scarier?  

What will happen in the future?  If I think of myself during my teenage years, I was also exposed to peer pressure. My sister in law was my best friend since school and we had some good clean fun.  We also smoked and drank alcohol but that was as far as it went.  I was so scared of drugs, that even today it scares me to death.  Perhaps I was just brought up very sheltered, but I was never exposed to drugs during my teenage years.   

A few weeks ago,  we went out for dinner at the local pub with some friends, and I forgot my phone in the car.  While I fetched my phone, there was a guy standing at the car next to mine. He was clearly way over the alcohol limit already, and obviously did not care if I hear his conversation.   I was not eaves dropping but couldn't help to hear this question to someone on the phone.  "I need some coke....  Do you still have your contact?  See you in ten minutes....."

I don't know what shocked me the most.  The fact that he was clearly too drunk to drive, or the fact that he was on his way to go and purchase some drugs.  Dangerous drugs.     

All drugs are dangerous, but this was the first time that I have really thought about this.  If drugs are so easily available, then ANYONE could be exposed to drugs at any point in their lives.  

Would your child so no to drugs?

We speech to our children at home and at school. They are aware that this drugs are dangerous.  Why do they still want to try drugs?

Curiosity kills the cat!

Please educate your children and protect them from what is out there.  The world is becoming a sick sad place.  It is time that we start fighting back. Teach your child to find some excitement in something else.  

Teach your child not to fit in!


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Nice post!! If you like motorcycles follow me :)

Thanks...followed you! I will probably preach about the bikes though....scary transport!

Thank you for sharing this. I am a cop and a mother. Having the knowledge of a cop, it scares the heck out my mother me.... how old are those students?

Between 17 and 18. My husband is an ex-policeman from South Africa. I am so scared of all the new drugs that are out there. Have you heard about the new bluetooth method where they actually inject themselves with a drug, and then withdraw their own blood to inject a friend. It is freaking scary. I can't believe anyone would be so stupid and desperate. All we can do is pray and pray and pray!!!

Oh no... so dangerous on many levels.. haven't heard of this yet. We live close to the border to the czech republic and crystal is a big thing here. And besides praying we can talk to the kids and hope it will sink in. 😕 thank you for telling me about this new thing. Maybe it hasn't arrived here but sure it will..

Jesus Christ!...What if they get infected with HIV while doing the transfusion?I think we need divine intervention from heaven.

I was totally shocked. On Sunday night there is an episode on this topic on Carte Blanche which is a reality show here in South Africa. I will paste that link at some point so that you can watch this. It is absolutely terrifying. I shudder if I even think about this.... :(

God help us all

Never really wanted to fit in

Nor I!

Good for you. I also don't have issues with myself...lol!

Another excellent motivational text by @giantbear. I never fit in, otherwise I have shaved my beard very long ago, have given up my turban very long ago, have started to drink wine very long ago. Kids need an actual role model before a singer, an actor or a gangster is their role model. Mom and dad can be a role model. A school teacher can be a role model. Once you pick a real role model then you can resist to fit in if it is not according to your values.

Thank you @mathworksheets I always appreciate your comments. I absolutely love the way that we can communicate on Steemit from different cultures and countries. I was naughty at one point but never went overboard or did any of the stuff that kids do today. It is always important just to be yourself. I wish that I could reach more kids and talk sense into them. You were right the other day. I care so much about these kids and I just want everyone to be happy and safe and be successful.

Steemit is the family of the whole world.

Such a nice saying...Steemit is the family of the world....true though!

I don't know why people fight or pull back on others. I think they don't know this world is so soo small. Compare ourselves to The Sun, The solar system, to our galaxy, to the universe; we are nothing just a little little family which can do much much more if its members stop hurdling each other and stop fighting with each other.

True ....there is a brilliant video that I will share with you at one point. I searched but can't find it now. It shows just how small the world is in reality. Many People are ignorant and only think of themselves.

Please find it.

Thank you for sharing this! My son is in middle school and sometimes shares his issues with his friends. I give him lots of hugs and kisses and pray for him every night!

He is loved. Love him and support and pray. That is all we can do.

Great post @giantbear. I believe kids nowadays feel more peer pressure than in the past. Everyone wants to "fit in" and with access to the internet, everyone compares themselves. We can only be good parents and guide them.