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RE: Zoodles

in #life2 years ago (edited)

I have one tip.

Sweet Potato!!!

Spiralize sweet potato. Then, in batches, cook it in bacon fat and coconut oil until it caramelizes a little. Tastes like candy.

We've tried squash, zucchini, etc etc. Blech! If it's anything that gets mushy when cooked, bin it, then grab pasta. In fact, never substitute pasta - it's sacred!

But, you can substitute sweet potato for hash browns.

To make life easier, I was able to find the Kitchen-Aid spiralizer attachment on FB marketplace one day. So, I don't even have the risk of slicing my fingers any more.

Here's recipe I've used many times (but spiralize the spuds and then add some coconut oil to the bacon fat - trust me).

You could even surprise the Good Lady and make her breakfast in bed. She might even let you stick around for dessert.,-core-and-slice.ksm1apc.html?originVariantsOrder=NC


I will be trying that. It's pretty awesome, I agree that things that go squidgy when cooked are not the best. I just didn't think sweet potato at all! Now I just need to buy some bloody sweet potatoes!