Disputes about the existence of God have been going on for a long time. Many philosophers and theologians attempt to prove the existence or absence of God.
Society is divided into two camps. On the principle of believe-not believe. But what is faith or unbelief in God?
For many, faith in God is faith in something invisible, unknown, even intangible. But this is something that MUST give them well-being and happiness only because they believe in the existence of God. However, they often do not attend churches, mosques, synagogues, temples, etc. a Sort of faith just in case.
Those who visit the prayer house, trying to care about your existence in the so-called "afterlife world". The same on anyone case, so as about "life after death" there is no credible knowledge.
People who do not believe in God, give the main argument. There is no God because science cannot prove his existence. But here lies a twist.
Science proves the existence of the Big Bang, but NOTHING can be said about its causes.
Science tries to explain the processes of life on Earth, but can not explain the REASON for its appearance.
Not believing in God, the metaphysical, people immediately begin to believe in God is material. The President of a country, a dollar, a guru who will teach you how to become prosperous.
There are many examples.
We do not believe in God and immediately appoint him as President of the United States, who sleeps at night in the thoughts of our freedom and justice. And believe him immensely.
We do not believe in God and immediately appoint him to the role of Putin, who just thinks, maybe about us too. And believe him immensely.
This list can be continued for a long time.
I think that we should not look for God around you, then you should find it in yourself.
After all, what is faith in God. This is above all belief in morality. This 10 living precepts. It is a life according to conscience.
Unbelief in God allows these commandments to be broken. Times and there was not God, therefore the commandments too contrived. Times invented, means are optional.
And then we have to live by the moral concepts, and to the law of the jungle (as he now lives most of humanity).
It's sad.
After all, if there comes a time when ALL people will find God in themselves and begin to live according to the laws of morality, then there will be UNIVERSAL happiness and well-being on earth.
And religion had to carry out this task. But it never happened.
Moreover, religion quickly became an instrument. Tool of profit and power. Religion became an instrument of power by which it began to force people to humility. The clergy vigorously rubbed people the idea that the Government is ordained of God and we must obey and endure. And the people endured, and still endures.
Therefore I have not go to special places for worship and listening to lectures about what power she is given by God and I'm obliged to obey for this reason.
I believe we must look for God inside myself and I do not need mediators and interpreters of how to live correctly. No need to create an idol in someone. Don't make yourself God. And find faith. It is the presence of inner faith that makes a person moral. And helps to live the commandments that man chooses himself. From this comes self-respect, without which it cannot exist.
I can easily do without respecting the people around me. But if I lose respect for myself, it'll be like death.
но многие люди не хотят ничего искать внутри себя
ибо не хотят исполнять заповеди
и крадут и убивают и прелюбодействуют...
The picture of the mountain foot