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RE: Venting About Facebook

in #life6 years ago

I was on Facebook this week too, for the first time in ages. And discovered a load of messages people had left for me that I missed. No matter how often I tell people I don't do FB anymore they still try and contact me there.

Having people who signed up to my feed not seeing what I posted was my biggest frustration too @indigoocean.

But when I was back there this week I realised how much I missed the groups I was in, especially for my art. There just aren't enough people on Steemit to have the level of inspiration and atctivity I experienced on FB.

Even so, I won't be going back any time soon but Steemit is not an alternative option.

The barrier to entry is high in terms of the learning it takes to be here and the people with the power just don't seem interested to understand what it's like nowadays for new people joining. They clearly have no clue.

Anyway. Rant over. Have a wonder full weekend. 💙


LOL it’s so funny to hear that people try to message you there even though you’ve told them you aren’t there. My crazy landlord wants to communicate with me on FB! I told her in no uncertain terms absolutely not. People can get so dependent on that site. They don’t realize what they’re missing. But then we do also miss out on things like groups.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Yep. It's the groups I miss most @indigoocean, especially for the art and creativity.

It's not like the people messaging me are strangers. You'd have thought they would remember I'm not on there anymore when they get no response. 😂