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RE: What it's like to live depression.(at least for me)(WARNING: cuss words)

in #life8 years ago

Hiya, That has brought tears to my eyes! Thank you, I am in the same boat as you, I have had Depression and Anxiety for ten years now. My life was demolished and I have been left to deal with everything myself.
Which made me feel even more so like an out cast, family don't call anymore and I am never invited to family occasion's. I became very issolated and eventually stopped going out of my house all together. Which then made me hate myself even more.
I have been meditating and self healing as I also had physical problems and needed operations . I just was being pumped full of strong med's that make you feel like a zombie.
It all came to a head and when my Doctor referred to me as a Junkie because I had taken myself off the med's and had severe side effects. She said that I could never come off them again.
I am now moving to Shropshire, rural so I can go for walks and let nature help me.
I will be starting an Air B n B to start, plus do my art and craft. I would also like to finish my book. The only support I have had has been from my 19 year old daughter, she has been my Rock! This is my time to start living again and I would eventualy like to travel again.
I would love to keep in contact as you seem to understand just how awful it can be.
Much love Gina xxx


Gina i am glad you can find supporr in your daughter and have been strong in all the trials and tribulations life has given you, do you have discord? Or Facebook? I am going to take a nap soon but my discord is the same as my name here .

No I don't have discored but FB and Instagram, FB just Gina Sarasini and instagram Gina sarasini 67.
Have a good nap and thank you!

No problem i will add you now before i go to sleep if someone named Kristiana adds you that's me (: