I think sourdough starter is probably the most abused fungi in the world. I kept neglecting mine too. I suppose this is nothing new and all those medieval neglectful bakers taught the yeast to be tough, so now we have hard to kill starter.
Mine was really strong tasting, in my opinion. I didn't mind - if your going to have sourdough you might as well go all the way. When you get yours going let me know and I will mail you a loaf and you can compare. Will have to make the tiniest loaf to fit into the smallest international priority box ;)
Tiny Loaves R Us we shall be! I always fretted that mine was ot strong enough in flavour. I might sneak in a grape to get it going this time and see if that makes a difference. A book I have swears by it!
A grape. Interesting. I will have to look into it.
I was quite surprised by it but it seems to be an accepted technique!