I'm having a block kind of day today too. I'm taking the night off from writing for Steemit and writing my fictional stuff that is all mine - is nice not to share some things.
The Silent Treatment is all peaceful looking and pink. It doesn't fit in. There must be a darker meaning I'm missing. I really like Something Inside. Those people/creatures reaching out let the imagination run off into the abyss. I was wondering, is My Mind Flaying Away From Me a typo? Or is it supposed to be "Flaying"? One can never tell with you.
I just realized that sounded kind of insulting - you never have typos, but you would use the kind of disturbing word Flaying, so I suppose that answers my question. :)
Actually, that was a typo. LOL! It's not insulting at all. Questions are questions, nothing more. Thanks for pointing that out. I read this several times before posting, which is normal for me. I make mistakes. If I was perfect I'd be so goddamn bored with life I'd go out and do something just to mess everything up! Thank you!
I frequently miss things after numerous proof-reads. But my typos are awkward, whereas yours have mystic. Difference in persona.
I could have left that. I've already published and named it though. Sometimes I change names or use working titles.
In your first comment you brought up Silent Treatment. That brightness there is actually meant to be a distraction. The hand is reaching for the medicine while the mind and everyone else around is saying no.
Ah, I see that now. I'm glad you told me.