Thank You for this wise parable. Let me tell You the story of my people in return. We have many legends, but the most glorious is called:
"Crisis in the Circus"
The Circus suffered financial crysis. And it was serious. The money was running short and it was clear that soon there will be nothing to pay the artists with. Also, the circus couldn't afford to feed neither the workers, nor the animals. The questions were crowding in director's head:
"Should I sell the Circus and let everyone go?", "Should I act like nothing happens, and feed the lions with too suspicious artists?" "Or maybe I should feed the artists with the lions?" "Should we vote who to eat and who to sell?" "Are children more nutritious or more expensive? The swallower of swords has six of them! Does he need them all?", "Oh the dilemmas!" - thought the director as his hair was turning white. Finally came the idea - one last ride! "We can buy the gas for all that's left and ride through this land of misery until we see a city or a village! It shouldn't be that far! In the meantime, we will invent the best attraction world has ever seen. The trick that would attract floods of audience with the pockets full of gold! We will perform the best show ever, or we will perish! One last ride!". It was decided - the old engines roared again and the Circus moved slowly towards it's destiny. During the ride, the director engaged everyone in the process of inventing the best show. Artists had their ideas but they were mostly dull, boring and unoriginal. Only the clown was silent and seemed lost in thought. Finally, when all other ideas were heard, the clown spoke:
"It might sound strange at the beginning, bur please sir, listen to the end. We should collect our shits as we ride. All shits - from the artists, from the animals and even from the ballet dancers! Yes darlings, i know You shit too! We should put those shits in the buckets and in the bathtubs, in the pots, mugs and even in the water carts. No shit should be wasted, if it comes - it stays! The shits must be stored! Why? for the show of course! It will be glorious! just listen! The show starts in the darknes and low rataplan of our drums, the darknes lasts for almost too long, but it gets interrupted just in time with all the lights we have and with the heroic tones of the marching band! In the same moment, the elephants appear, and the zebras, and horses - they run through the arena and shit profusely! Marching band plays loud and fast like mad. also, all the musicians get covered in feces. After few seconds the artists appear with the shit stored on the way - they pour it with buckets all over the tent! The pandemonium lasts until everyone and everything in the tent is covered with a thick layer of shit. As it is achieved, the music stops and the silence embrace all. The the artists, the animals, the band and the rest of the tent are in deep shit and remain silent . The audience is also quiet, breathtakingly surprised by the recent events. Then, finally I enter the arena - dressed all white!"
The End
That's one hell of a story. Thanks for sharing that. I think I learned a lesson or something.