It's okay. I find myself agreeing to disagree with a lot of people on a regular basis. Especially in this case, where I don't get any benefit out of liking JJ Abrams work at all. :)
re: cameo
There have been so many red herrings and misdirections as far as interviews with WandaVision stars go that it could all be hype just to keep some people who need that kind of thing going.
Evan Peters, the Fox Quicksilver, is the only major character cameo to date (can't really call him a cameo because of Episode 6). I don't think that rises to the level of Luke Skywalker showing up on the Mandalorian, but in Elizabeth Olsen's mind, it might be heading in that direction.
I mean, it's certainly spawned all kinds of speculation as to what him being there is supposed to mean. Is he really Quicksilver? When we know how he got there, will it be the way other Fox characters merge into the MCU? Is he actually someone else? Someone far more sinister?
If he's not the one Olsen is referring to, then it has to happen in the last episode.
re: Doctor Strange
I agree. Doctor Strange wouldn't meet the qualifications because of the upcoming movie. It's got to be someone most people would not expect, and at this point, I'm not sure there is one. I think any cameo supposedly being on par with Luke in the Mandalorian is an impossible undertaking anyway, simply because you have over 40 years of Star Wars and only 13 years of MCU.
As it is, there seems to be a Vision vs. Vision battle coming. Does that qualify? Not in my mind, but I'm still looking forward to seeing what happens.
For me
It would have to be X Men or a individual from that universe coming by. Or Toby’s Spider Man. Like Luke level, I think unfortunately it’s not gonna be that level. U know ur stuff 👍
Well we shall see