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RE: The Chocolate Easter Bunny Layer

in #life7 years ago

I honestly did not know where this post about Chocolate Easter Bunnies was going until you turned it into a behavioral science post about our relationships. :)

Then, it made perfect sense!

We don't get a lot of goodies for Easter anymore, which is probably a good thing, given what you've just written, but I actually like chocolate eggs and bunnies and wouldn't mind a few. Not if they've been sitting around for months or more. They do lose their appeal rather quickly.

You must not be expecting any company to come (at least not those who've given you the bunnies over the years) or I would think leaving them out on a shelf would be a dead giveaway about how you feel about them.

There must be also an unwritten relationship rule that prevents you from just throwing them away, too. Which would help if said Easter Bunny giver were to appear at your home.

However, your point is well taken. There are all kinds of things we put up with. In my case, I prefer being married to my wife over being divorced. So, there's things I live with and things I do to keep her happy. And then there are things I do that she doesn't want to live with but I do anyway, so I can be happy. :)