你的化妆品安全吗/Is your cosmetics safe? ? ?

in #life6 years ago

  • 现在社会化妆品成为了女性必不可少的物品,化妆品的种类也多种多样,可你的化妆品真的安全吗,你化妆的方法真的安全吗?/Now that social cosmetics has become an essential item for women, the types of cosmetics are also varied. Can your cosmetics be really safe, and is your makeup really safe?
  • 如今化妆品的价格有高有低,质量也是参差不齐,一些黑心商家还会在某些化妆品中混入重金属成分来提高光感!/Now the price of cosmetics is high or low, the quality is uneven, some black heart merchants will mix heavy metals in some cosmetics to improve the light perception!
  • 国内外曾有多项报道称检测出某些品牌口红中含有铅、铬、镉、铝等9种重金属,重金属含量以超出人体可接受范围,铅通过皮肤吸收后有可能出现神经、消化等系统的问题,而镉则会对心、肝、肾、骨骼造成一定损害。/There have been several reports at home and abroad that certain brands of lipsticks contain nine kinds of heavy metals such as lead, chromium, cadmium, and aluminum. The content of heavy metals exceeds the human body's acceptable range. After absorption of lead through the skin, there may be nervous, digestive, etc. systems. The problem is that cadmium can cause damage to the heart, liver, kidneys, and bones.
  • 正常使用化妆品时也有很多人进入了误区,或者嫌麻烦不在意,比如口红,每个女性都会使用,无论淡妆浓妆。/Many people use cosmetics when they are in normal use, or they don’t care too much about it. For example, lipstick is used by every woman, regardless of makeup.
  • 口红的成分极为复杂,主要成分包含羊毛脂,蜡质和染料,由于羊毛脂成分复杂,容易引起过敏反应,如嘴唇粘膜干裂、剥落,有时感到嘴唇发痒或轻微疼痛等,并且羊毛脂有较强的吸附性,可将空气中的尘埃、细菌、病毒及一些重金属离子吸附在嘴唇粘膜上。/The composition of lipstick is extremely complex. The main ingredients include lanolin, wax and dyes. Due to the complex composition of lanolin, it is easy to cause allergic reactions such as chapped and peeled lips and mucous membranes, sometimes itchy lips or slight pain, etc. Strong adsorption, can adsorb dust, bacteria, virus and some heavy metal ions in the air on the mucous membranes of the lips.
  • PS:口红中使用的煤焦油染料,都是可怕的致癌物质,防腐剂、抗氧化剂BHA,此类物质已经证明为准致癌物质,如保存剂(paraben)会造成乳房肿瘤,根据国外有关资料表明,在青年女性癌症患者中,有18.2%的病因与涂口红有关。/PS: The coal tar dyes used in lipsticks are terrible carcinogens, preservatives, and antioxidants BHA. These substances have been proved to be quasi-carcinogens, such as parabens, which can cause breast tumors, according to relevant foreign data Of the young female cancer patients, 18.2% were associated with lipstick.
  • 建议大家在涂口红时一定要先涂一层润唇膏,以起到保护作用,在平时喝水吃饭时最好把口红擦掉,以免误食其中所包含和吸附的有害物质。/It is recommended that when applying lipstick, you must first apply a layer of lip balm in order to play a protective role. When drinking at ordinary times, it is best to wipe off the lipstick so as to avoid eating and containing harmful substances.
  • 很多女性出门前必须要化妆,甚至不化妆就不出门,可却忘记了我们的皮肤也是需要呼吸的,皮肤的呼吸就是我们身体排毒的过程,比如眼线,画眼线会让我们的眼睛变大,可你们知道吗长期画眼线会使眼部疾病的发病率提高。/Many women must wear make-up before going out, or even go out without makeup, but we forget that our skin also needs to breathe, and the skin's breathing is the process of detoxification of our body. For example, eyeliner and eyeliner make our eyes bigger. Can you guys know that long-term drawing of eyeliners will increase the incidence of eye diseases?
  • 偶尔的化妆肯定是没什么影响的,常年的画眼线肯定会对眼表有一些伤害,因为画眼线的部位就在睫毛的根部,睫毛的根部是睑板腺开口的位置,睑板腺分泌的代谢产物都要从这里往外排,画眼线会使开口堵住。纹眼线也是如此,纹眼线进程中注入眼部组织的染料,存积在睑板腺或其周围,有一定几率会造成终身难以康复的睑板腺炎症,影响睑板腺渗出,引发因睑板腺渗出泪水的质和量降低而造成干眼症。/Occasional make-up is certainly no effect, perennial eyeliner will certainly have some damage to the eye surface, because the part of the eyeliner is at the root of the eyelashes, the root of the eyelashes is the position of the meibomian gland opening, the metabolism of the meibomian gland secretion The product must be discharged from here, and the eyeliner will block the opening. The same is true for the lining line. The dye injected into the eye tissue in the process of the lining line is deposited in or around the meibomian glands. There is a certain probability that it will cause lifelong difficult to recover meibomian gland inflammation, affect the meibomian gland exudation, and cause complications. The quality and quantity of tears in the plate glands are reduced and dry eye is caused.
  • 很多女性使用的眼贴质量也是参差不齐,用到的材料更是五花八门,透气性有好有坏,有的产品更是成分不明。眼睑皮肤又薄又脆弱,贴上双眼皮贴后存在着很多隐性危害,透气性较差的双眼皮贴可导致眼部皮肤红肿,特别是长时间使用之使用双眼皮贴时,频繁拉扯刺激皮肤,可导致皮肤发炎,甚至引发色素沉着,双眼皮贴的拉伸作用使眼皮产生重力下垂的现象,长时间使用可导致肌肤失去弹性,收缩能力减退,造成眼皮松弛、眼角下垂,还加速皮肤老化,再也无法恢复,令人老态尽显,增加了美容手术的难度。个人建议眼贴最好在出门前2~3小时前贴,出门前取下,这样就可以保证10~15小时你都会是双眼皮,前提是不能碰。/The quality of eye patches used by many women is also uneven, and the materials used are varied, and the air permeability is good or bad, and some of the products are still unknown. The eyelids are thin and fragile. There are many hidden dangers when affixed with double eyelid stickers. The poorly breathable double eyelid stickers can cause redness and swelling of the eye skin, especially when the double eyelid stickers are used for a long time. Skin, can cause inflammation of the skin, and even lead to pigmentation, double-fold eyelid stickers make the eyelids produce a phenomenon of gravity sagging, long-term use can lead to loss of elasticity of the skin, shrinking ability, resulting in loose eyelids, sagging eyes, but also accelerate the skin Aging, it can no longer be restored, filling the old state, increasing the difficulty of cosmetic surgery. Personally recommend that the best eye stickers posted before going out 2 to 3 hours before the door, take it down, so you can guarantee that 10 to 15 hours you will be double-fold, the premise is not to touch.
  • 爱美之心人人都有,一些人更是近乎病态的追求,化妆品让我们变美了,可是一些劣质化妆品和我们使用中的不当却会对我们的健康受到威胁,如果变美的代价是我们的健康的话那么值得吗?希望各位爱美的女性都能在此方面加强戒心!/Everyone has a heart of beauty, some people are almost morbid, and cosmetics make us beautiful. However, some inferior cosmetics and improper use of us will threaten our health. If the price of beauty is ours, Is it worthwhile to be healthy? I hope that all women who love beauty can be wary in this regard!