Over time many things have changed on what people are looking for when they hire but some things remain the same. I recently went through another round of hiring and realized the pool of talent out there really needs to know what hiring managers are looking for when they apply.
So I decided to compile a few tips that I thought would be helpful for anyone applying for a job (they are not in order):
#1 – So the obvious one is experience in the field you are applying to – While this is important, these days we are always looking for new talent and the next generation of our workforce. So this isn’t always what will get you a job.
#2 – Attitude – I cannot stress enough that having the right attitude is huge when talking and meeting with a perspective employer. Energy is good, smiling, personality, a good handshake, be polite, respectful and listen (I’ll touch more on this later). Also remember everyone you encounter especially once you are on their property may have influence on if you are the right fit. I have seen a few perspective applicants, blow in the waiting room, thinking the receptionist isn’t paying attention or has any influence. So please don’t crap talk this job on the cell phone with a friend…PLEASE.
#3 – Honesty – OMG some people will say you should never say I don’t know, when they ask you a question on a job interview. But here is where I disagree. There is nothing wrong with saying I don’t know and that you are excited to learn. We all have questions that there is no way you would know the answer, it’s a fact. Sometimes interviewers like to see what people will make up. So its ok, it actually shows maturity.
#4 – Relate things to something you have done – Please give answers that relate directly to something you have done. This will show how you think and how you can adapt based on your own experiences.
#5 – References – Its just good to have, some from your work experience and some from life. I have been listed as a reference for someone just starting their career(personal) and someone starting a new career after 30 plus years with a company. Just remember make sure your references know that someone from X company might be calling and the job is Y. This way it lets them know how to relate to the person calling.
#6 – Work Experience – Work experience is great, showing you can hold down a job and have interest in being there is huge. List it, but choose wisely…If you don’t have a lot of experience list it all, if you do list the most recent and the most relevant. Any gaps in time on a resume will cause a question, be prepared.
#7 – College Education – Depending on what type of job you are applying for listing a college degree and any post high school education is really helpful. In most cases it doesn’t even have to be in the same field you are applying, for me all a college education shows is that you have the ability to learn and your dedication to see something through. Graduate degrees are a plus.
#8 – Listen – Allow your Interviewer to fully ask their questions. Listening skills are so important. Do not interrupt. You really want to answer the questions they are asking versus the one you think they asking. This is a huge skill that most people don’t have.
#9 – Confidence – Be confident!!! Why are you there, how can you help the company, what skills do you bring to the table. Everyone can be proud of something unique you can bring to a company. What is it for you?
This is just a start, the main thing is to be yourself. I will look to add more in the future and look at things like resumes, managing your manager and other topics.
Please let me know if this was helpful or interests you. If you have questions feel free to ask.
Thanks and looking forward to your feedback.
I think these are good points, very helpful!
Outstanding tips for those in the job interview! Great post. What are you thoughts on grooming and attire for a F2F interview?
Grooming and attire, I thought about adding that in but then quickly realized I could write an entire post on it. But here is the 30 second version. Dress for the job you want (yes i know very cliche but true). Look clean, professional and fit in with the location you are going to. You want the people you are meeting with to feel to are fit for the company. One thing to remember, iron your outfit, its ok if it looks like you want to impress them.
Good advice. You should be the sharpest dressed, in a professional way, person in the building. It shows you care enough to make the extra effort for the role.
Great information for a young man as myself looking for a new job!