in #life7 years ago (edited)

Fear not the fear of fear but fear the fear that makes fear fear.


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A word that controls more human than sex does.
The one word that set hearts running and pumping adrenaline every second.
That one word that has the power to shut down the entire reflex system of its host.


Whether you believe it or not, there's no denying your experiencing it, at least once in your lifetime.

The sweet thing about fear is that it's as scary as hell...and that isn't sweet at all.
For some, fear is a motivation to move forward but for many (like me), fear's the heavy stone tied to our feet, preventing us from moving.

In this post, I will be talking about what we outta fear and what we shouldn't.





In my last post, CHRONOPHOBIA! Time's Biggest Fear..., I talked about how folks that claim to be afraid of time are actually afraid of a consequence of time, one of which I said was the Fear of Failure.
I ended the post by saying:

Time is not to be feared. Failure is not to be feared.
What then is to be fear?


Like the pain of hunger in the belly or the ache in the cranium, this feeling is one that's as human as every other feeling associated with humans.
Whether it's in the thumping of hearts or the raising of hair or goosebumps on the skin or visible trembling and chills or tears in eyes or complete shutdown of irritability, we all have different ways we feel fear.

Now, some may claim to "have no fear" (I used to like it when I hear it in movies), and it may be true for them...but one thing I know is this (I also got this from movies 😉) that they must have successfully locked up their fear in one part of their brain box that if triggered, would get them to their "default settings" of feeling fear again.

Now this begs a question: "Is fear real?

Please, you need to understand that just because you feel something doesn't make it "real". There's a very thin line between feelings and reality.

The feeling of fear is as real as these words you read but FEAR itself isn't real.

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Fear (as many would love to say) is False Evidence Appearing Real.
Fear is the hormonal creation of your psycho-emotional imaginations. Fear is not real.

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In the movie, After Earth, Will Smith said,

Fear isn't real. But danger is.

But this feat (not feeling fear) can only be achieved by those who have the key to unlock their minds. For us, who "fear" what that would do to us, I've compiled a list of what we should and should not fear.

THE SOLUTION: 3 things you should fear!

DISCLAIMER: The following are basically my thoughts as I think more and read less. Any and all similarities to already laid principles are purely coincidental.

Here are what you outta fear.

Fear Yourself!

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Now, as silly as that sounds, it's the truth!
We are the biggest threats to ourselves. What we're capable of is limitless. We are our biggest successes and our greatest downfall. Science sees us as the ultimate creation in the entire universe. Psychology sees us the ultimate mind. Whatever the case, we're the simpliest complications to ever exist in the history of Life itself.

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We ought to fear ourselves because we know we're limitless. Society knows this and so tries to fit us in several boxes because they know that once we think outside of the box, we'll be stronger and more productive than ever before. Never see yourself as weak and helpless because you're the exact opposite of that; you're strong as a god.

I said something about unlocking the human mind earlier in this post...
I saw this sci-fi movie LUCY. and came to the understanding that the more we get to expand our brain capacity, the more we'll be capable of doing things we never thought we could.

If you ask me, that's scary enough. Not the unlocking part but what I'll do when my mind's unlocked. I can only hope I'll forget past grievances.

Fear the things you never got to do.

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When I was discussing with my ex-crush (as I stated in my last post), I told her something. I said:

When time passes, there are two things you're bound to feel. Either a sense of fulfilment or a sense of regret...

Nothing hurts more than regret. That you suddenly realize that you should have done something and the time has passed and possibly that opportunity is never coming again. That you should have taken that decision but you were too lazy.
Regret! One of the world's fastest killers.
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Fear the things you never got to do when you had the chance to. Make active effort to restitute.
Avoid that feeling of regret AT ALL COST!

Fear the possibility that your life is just ONE BIG LIE!

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Sometimes, when I sit to think, I imagine how I would feel if I'm been told that everything I know has been a cover up. That my true person is less or even more than the me I'm used to, the me I've come to love and respect.

I dunno if you've ever considered that (even tho it's slight) possibility that you're not who you're made to believe you are, that you're actually more... or that you're way less.
That...scares me.


Every other "fear" asides these three isn't worth feeling for a long while.
You are above fear.
Be the Fear fear fears.

I hope this post inspires someone somewhere to do more today.
I'd appreciate thoughtful comments on this matter.


Thanks for your time.


Thanks for reading.


I regret the things I wasn't able to do. Thanks for this writeup.

Then let it be the last time regret will get the better of you.
Always do what you must!