This was the scene found on the craft isle. It wasn't us. We found it that way. Just thought I would share.So I went shopping for some art suplies with my brother @justinashby last week.
Image taken by me with my LGK20
Baby update # 1
The ultrasound is scheduled for next week.
I am super excited! I will be sharing whatever pictures I can get the doctors to give me copies of!
Plans for the baby!
I am going to quit smoking cigarettes!
Soon, I hope. I have cut back quite a bit in the last few days. I am down to about half a pack a day from nearly a whole pack a day. But just cutting back isn't enough. I want to quit entirely and put that seven or eight bucks a day into a jar and save it for baby stuff (whatever stuff comes up as it becomes needed). Also, I'm thirty-two years old and this is going to be my first baby. I have been smoking for about fifteen years. If I don't quit smoking now, I am afraid I will never be able to keep up with this child.
My beautiful cat Kijo Gin has been so jealous!Photo taken by @prettykitten.
Thanks for taking the time to read my post! I will be sharing more funny things I see and hear, and more updates about the baby as they come along! You can view my previous post about the baby By Clicking Here!
By Clicking Here and By Clicking Here!
I also plan on starting a college fund for the baby by opening a new account on an exchange (haven't decided which one yet) and just depositing coins and letting them sit there until it is time. Please help me support my new family by upvoting this post! Thank you all in advance! The support from the community would make a fantastic success story for Steemit!
You can view my wonderful girlfriend's @prettykitten posts about it
Thank you for doing the updates.