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RE: Thinking About Rabbits On Your Homestead.

in #life7 years ago

We had rabbits once upon a time too. Not my favorite homestead animal to have. I prefer chickens as they are multi-purpose (eggs then the freezer or soup pot). Rabbits are only there for stews and a nice smothered in gravy meal.


Chickens are great because of that. I like rabbits but it is not really that cost effective in my viewpoint to raise rabbits. I agree with you on chickens, processing them are a pain though. LOL

We had someone who lived "up the road a-ways" that did our butchering of the chickens. They charged us $1 for each bird.. that included (obviously) slaughter, plucking and putting in plastic freezer bags. We paid the fee and always gave them about six butchered birds. He was an elderly man and his wife was disabled.. so this was their income (processing chickens, ducks, turkeys, etc) and I know they were grateful for the birds for food.

If you find someone like that it is a great thing. Helping each other is the way to go. It builds a strong community and also helps the community. I think nowadays it is hard to find someone like that though, unfortunately. Growing up the community around my grandparents place was like that too.

Like the generational homes... three generations under one roof (aka The Waltons) <--- LOVED that TV show!

I used to live near a family like that. Grandma got the kids ff to school on the bus, dad and grandpa were out in the fields by sunrise and mom was off at work.

Yeah, The first years of my life we lived in a mobile home on the property of my grandparents. That was the best years of my life.