Life can get tough and it usually does so from
time to time. There are times we are ready to give
up. Then there are times when all we want to do
is curl up in our beds and disappear under our
blankets. However, a truly powerful person is one
who recognizes that life is meant to be a
challenge and it is not supposed to be easy.
At the end of the day, all the efforts you put in will
be worth it. If you are someone who truly believes
they are destined for greatness and who wants to
raise yourself towards success, here are some
principles, 6 to be exact, that have been taken
from the teachings of Tony Robbins. These
principles hold within them the key to your
• Raise Your Standards
In order to get what you really want in life, you
must believe you are worthy of greatness. So,
start by raising your standards and do not settle
for anything less than the best. If you feel satisfied
with what you have, you will not be motivated to
aspire higher.
• Success Leaves Clues
If you want to be great, you should know how you
are going to be great. In other words, you
probably have several ideals and gurus. Study the
lives of these people and identify what they did to
attain greatness. If you do what all great people
do, greatness will come to you.
•Get Grateful
It is true that you should not be satisfied with
what you have in order to always seek out better.
However, you should be grateful for what you
have. Seeking better doesn’t mean you abuse
what you currently have. Not at all, it simply
means you appreciate what you have and how
hard you worked to get at it while working harder
to achieve better. Always be grateful for what you
have in order to have a positive mindset.
• The Power of Goal Setting
Someone who has no goals will not know if they
have reached greatness even if they have
achieved it. In other words, you should know what
you desire and take control of your destiny, by
planning out what you want and how you are
going to get there. Create your life’s vision,
mission and then divide it into smaller goals.
Your aim should be to not achieve the mission of
your life, but to rather work towards achieving one
sub goal after another until they bring you closer
to the mission itself.
• Change Your Limiting Beliefs
If you do not believe in yourself, no one will. In
order to achieve success, you need to feel
confident about your abilities and know that you
will get where you want to go. If you do not
believe in yourself, people around you will make
sure you never achieve greatness. In order to
change your beliefs to support your goals, start
monitoring your thought process. Make sure it is
positive by changing each negative thought that
crosses your mind to a positive one until they
permanently become positive.
•. What Are You Doing It All For?
At the end of the day, you must know why you are
doing what you are doing because if you don’t,
you will not be able to get there. When times get
tough, it is this reason that will help you focus
and stay true to your goal. Make sure you have a
strong reason for wanting what you want.
Do not focus on what people are saying if you
want something, as others will only deter you.
You must know that what you want is your life’s
ultimate goal and all your focus should be one
achieving one sub goal after another. That is how
you will reach the height of greatness that you
desire. This is how people who have achieved
greatness have reached there. Be persistent,
consistent and patient and believe in yourself.
The @goldenproject Is made up of this humble steemians @jamesmovic @dhavey @emmaculate
Thanks @timcliff for your support.
Where Is This Challenge: Here is my recent challenge post. See if you can guess the location and win 0.1 SBD.
