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RE: Soviet Anti-propaganda Lost to us with the USSR has been Discovered

in #life9 months ago

Dear @valued-customer !
How do you feel about Jews?
I have a hard time understanding the anti-Semitism of Europeans and Americans!

East Asians like me do not believe in conspiracy theories that Jews are ruling the world!
I believe that Zionism was created by the Jews for the purpose of taking away the lands of the Muslims!

However, I do not believe that Islam is the original owner of Palestine. I remember the history of countless wars being fought in Palestine since time immemorial.
Over thousands of years, Palestine changed hands several times.
Currently, Israel rules Palestine, but it is thought that another country may rule Palestine in the future.

By the way, I assumed you had anti-Semitic tendencies!
I found Jews to be fascinating people!

I remembered that Jesus, Peter, and Paul were Jews!


"I remembered that Jesus, Peter, and Paul were Jews!"

The etymology of the word Jew is instructive in this matter. My understanding is that the letter J didn't exist in the English language until the 14th Century. Furthermore, during the time Jesus lived there was no word that meant Jews. There were words to describe inhabitants of Judea (Iudamea, in the Latin), and inhabitants of Israel, Samaria, and other lands of other tribes. The Judeans were descendants of Jacobs brother Esau. Israelites were descended from Jacob, who changed his name to Israel. My recollection is that Jesus was claimed to be an Israelite, not a Judean. I am not apprised of Peter or Paul's heritage.

Furthermore, the history of the AshkeNazi Jews, the majority of modern Jewry, has been in Europe, primarily in the Pale of Settlement between the Black Sea and the Baltic. Genetic research indicates AshkeNazis are of European descent admixed with Turkic peoples from W. Asia. History records the mass conversion of the Khazarian Empire during the 9th Century to Judaism, perhaps as a political effort to avoid the conflict between Christendom and Islam that was raging and shattering polities regionally, disrupting trade, and causing all manner of brutality and destruction. This is why there are references to Khazarians when people refer to Jews from Europe. The upshot of this is that the majority of Jews today aren't descendants of Hebrew speaking people, but are the very non-Jews referred to in the Talmud, the Amalekites they class as Goyim and intend to enslave or destroy. This is not taught in Israeli schools, rather the opposite, and there is no more racist and genocidal ethnic group in the world to my knowledge.

"I believe that Zionism was created by the Jews for the purpose of taking away the lands of the Muslims!"

I used to think so, but have learned that it is to conquer all the Earth, and all the animals that look like people but aren't Jews. The Talmud teaches that only Jews are human, and everyone else are mere animals. That is Zionism as I understand it: conquering the whole world, and enslaving or killing everyone that isn't a Jew.

Regarding 'anti-semitism', a Semite is a speaker of semitic languages, including Hebrew, but also including Arabic, Aramaic, and others. I certainly do not have any antipathy against anyone because of the language they speak. I do not agree that any people that consider themselves ubermensch should slaughter or enslave me or my people, or anyone at all, and thus I oppose Zionism with every fiber of my being, and will until our freedom from such wannabe overlords is secure in perpetuity.

