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RE: How Scientific Journals were Corrupted During the Plandemic: NEJM

in #life16 days ago

The heartless crimes of Rachelle Walensky and thousands of others that lied and convinced people to submit to these bioweapons are impossible to fully understand and characterize in terms of the tragic suffering and agonized deaths of people like you and me. The longer Walensky, Fauci, Hotez, and Donald J. Trump walk around and push for more victims the worse the American people, and all the people of the world, will suffer horrific iatrogenic injuries and die from their lies. They all continue to advocate people get jabbed. They keep calling these bioweapons that have been declared to be biological weapons by Dr. Francis Boyle, the author of the Biological Weapons Convention adopted after 1972 by most of the civilized countries of the world, vaccines, even though they don't do anything that vaccines are supposed to do, like prevent being infected, prevent getting sick, and instead actually increase getting sick with covid, increase spreading it, and increase dying in hundreds of different ways, notoriously by dropping dead in your tracks from climate change.

I trust your argument. However, Joseph, who lives in Oregon, would disagree with your argument. He supports Trump.Dear @valued-customer !


I wouldn't dream of telling anyone what to believe. What I try to do is show that what I believe is true by supporting it with factual evidence, as I did above when I pointed out that Dr. Francis Boyle states the mRNA jabs are biological weapons. I would be happy to point out facts to anyone that is willing to seek better understanding.

But not everyone seeks better understanding. A lot of people are determined to support their political or other social ingroup, and to do so no matter what anyone tells them. I don't want to try to force anyone to change their minds or to see things they don't want to see. Folks that want more information can ask it of me, and Joseph has not done that. He seems satisfied with the information he already has and to not want to know more that might give him reason to change his mind.

That's not my business. His mind and his opinions are his own for him to form and determine as he prefers.


But not everyone seeks better understanding. A lot of people are determined to support their political or other social ingroup, and to do so no matter what anyone tells them. I don't want to try to force anyone to change their minds or to see things they don't want to see. Folks that want more information can ask it of me, and Joseph has not done that. He seems satisfied with the information he already has and to not want to know more that might give him reason to change his mind.

I agree with you!
By the way, I dare say that when Joseph can understand your wonderful English sentences, America will be as you wish!😄

What I want isn't anything like what I say really is happening, and I think the better I am understood the more people will hate me because I'm right, and they don't want to know the truth. They just want their pretend fantasy to be real, instead of reality being real. They're a lot like me in that desire, just not in facing the real world anyway.

The Japanese called the birth of the United States a miracle of God. While all the countries of the New World were unable to escape European colonies, only the United States developed into the world's most powerful nation, surpassing the British Empire!

So, The Japanese overlords call the United States a Protestant empire, as distinguished from the Catholic empires.

I always wonder if @valued-customer could be the Prophet Daniel!😄

I hope your health and long life!

You'll be disappointed I suspect the book of Daniel to be a backdated propaganda tool used to support the Maccabees, and not scripture at all. However, you can now be assured I am not a prophet.

Be well.