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RE: The case against going to a 4-year college

in #life5 years ago (edited)

for me personally, and a think a big part of the reason why i have a chip on my shoulder is because i was fascinated with circuitry as a teen i was constantly fiddling with stuff and mainly working on car stereos... even got a job as an install tech at 16 and was better at it than a lot of people much older than me in the business. I dunno why, but it just interested me immensely. My parents encouraged me to go into that field but of course, i didn't listen and ended up going to a 4-year school because "that's what you are supposed to do" and got a degree in just whatever.

But yes, you are correct about the skilled tradesmen taking on apprentices. I think that a lot of people's minds are getting changed now though. I think at least in part due to that guy who hosts dirty jobs (Mike Rowe?)

But just like anyone in their 40's, i am one of those people that wishes they could go back and tweak a few things about my past :)