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RE: Ice

in #life7 years ago

Yo dawg, I heard you like stealing volcano pics.
So I made a collage of stolen volcano pics from your stolen volcano pic because somehow that's more original than stealing pics of volcanos.


Hi I'm a bot,
You know, sometimes I wonder why I exist, and then I remember....
It's sort of poetic actually.
It's to wax poetic hacks such as yourself like an Italian Mr. Miyagi.
"Yeah see, the boss said stolen volcano pics are hot merchandise right now, I'm sure he won't notice if we just play it cool and slip a couple off the back of the Zamboni"
Not only are you a dick for the pic thing, but you didn't even write the poem?
And the dumb poem takes up most of the post, yet you put poetry as your last tag?
Maybe the life tag is accurate because there's a lot of scumbags who do this shit out in life. I'll even give you the blog tag, so that's like 2/5 that accurate describe the fact that your post is a blog update to inform us of the fact that your still a scumbag.
This shit needs to stop. Instead of thinking you're "original" or "insightful" just stop. Next time you want to do this you need to go and buy a camera, then do this, you know write a "blog" post with all the stolen content again, then use the camera and take a pic of the stolen blog post. Congrats now it's original. You can title it, day #XXX I'm still a piece of shit. Then follow it with some personal experiences and helpful tips to other people suffering from similar moral deficiencies.


hmn... idiot I share whatever the flying fuck I want. I made nothinglook like my creation as author is right there. I can post WHATEVER I want in social media. I like it. I share it. deal with it dumb idiot. the only deficiency is your little brain and the 0 knowledge to differentiate an ICE CAVE with a freaking volcano.
if you read anything you'd understand something. but you are too dumb... went on ranting 20min to write that attempt of an insult,

you know what social media is for? ofc you don't you're just a self righteous dumb ass. do me a fucking favour dear. dont you ever post on my blog again. or at least get your eyes checked first @google-image-bot . the only reason you created that account was for money.

hahha... acordou o diabo porque acabo de chatear me e fico com 666 seguidores huehuehue

Hi I concede it is an ice cave.
Also, just to make sure I have the rest all straightened out:
"I", meaning you, "can post WHATEVER [you] want in social media."
Got it.
"do me a fucking favour dear. dont you ever post on my blog again."
Ahh so you think you're being hassled for posting "in" social media.
And that is unfair because you should be able to post whatever you like as long as you credit the people who made the content you post.
Furthermore you don't want people posting content on your "blog" if you feel they are inaccurate on their interpretations, or more to the point, make you feel like you are under attack.
I take it back, it's a def a volcano, it's all one's interpretation, I'm entitled to my own and you can't tell me different.
Poetic license, deal with it. also stealing pics isn't cool as just because, "nothinglook like my creation as author is right there".
Get out of the cave, what you did is wrong. You want to post crap on you blog, god bless you. #PHOTOGRAPHY is for PHOTOGRAPHS that are ORIGINAL, this is common knowledge.


People use #photography as a way to exhibit their original photographs. They deserve a space where they can post without being drowned out by some stupid volcano blog bullshit. You obviously made LIFE & PHOTOGRAPHY your FIRST & SECOND TAGS for MONEY... You think it's hunky dory for photography members to eat chode if that's the price it takes so that !SPECIFICALLY YOU! "can post WHATEVER".
Not today, you ham over fist approach to logic may be too greasy to fully dispose of in one session, but that doesn't mean you're getting off clean.
Quite the opposite. You have conditioned yourself to be repugnantly dim-witted because you find it much more effective than your ability to be self-aware/considerate of others.
Many people are like you, they just act nasty all while entrenching themselves into decreasingly sustainable positions.
However this bullshit logic almost always wins because the opposing side concedes after reaching a conclusion along the lines of,
"this person is so blatantly wrong, yet so defiantly bitchy, there is no way this is worth continuing. They will never compromise and will just destroy everything until they feel validated. It is best to simply let them have their way on this matter as it is inconsequential to the totality of everything they can get their hands on and destroy."

TL;DR I'm not going to be able to convince you of any of my points, but
I can post WHATEVER I want in social media. I like it. I share it. deal with it dumb idiot. the only deficiency is your little brain and the 0 knowledge to differentiate an ORIGINAL PHOTOGRAPHY SUB SECTION with a freaking stolen volcano poem BLOG SUBSECTION.

do me a fucking favour dear. dont you ever post on your blog again.
JK please respond, this is pure catharsis

on the blockchain

Cute, conflating making sense with making money. Side note, my mom doesn't waste her time making blog posts that leech money away from other contributors. Playing the devils idiot, let's just say your mom is quite well off. That makes this whole situation even more pathetic. Maybe we could feel bad if she really needed those extra upvotes, but since she's already set it just seems out of touch and kind of narcissistic.
You can find me if you want, not really concerned.
Who knows, maybe along the way you'll also find where the miscellaneous bullshit volcano poems section is located.

on the blockchain

Lol looks like we got a couple of professionals here. Must be fresh from the social justice warrior cottage industry with this caliber of fiendish ego stroking. Chill out brochacho the cheetos are getting to your head, take a deep breath.... and exhale, and inhale a handful of cheetos.... and exhale. Much better. Now look, idk why you're showing me some ohio complaint. But that shit's hilarious, man you people have absolutely no life at all if you think I'm going to be scared because you filed some whiny internet complaints where you "can't provide any personal information" on either yourself or the other party. Damn that's some mighty powerful stupid you got there... Look I'll make it easy, give me your personal info and I'll set up all the court shit for you, worry not me dear ; ). Unless you're scared of court... don't over extend your bedsores rushing to get me you're info, I'm already expecting to wait

on the blockchain

sim vou ler o que um burro escreve... amanha