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RE: My Struggle With Body Dysmorphia As A Male

in #life8 years ago

Believe it or not there are women out there who are attracted to skinny men, fat men, whatever. On the other hand I've never heard of a woman who was attracted to a man who pities himself and lacks confidence. You can't change your body (technically you can but surgery has risks of complications including death) but you can change your attitude about it. Personally I started losing hair early in life and worried it wasn't sexy. One day something snapped and I just stopped caring and even shaved the rest of it off. Having hair or not may or may not be sexy to a given person but not caring what others think is always sexy. There's probably someone who likes you exactly as you are but as long as you've convinced yourself you're unworthy you'll never see what's right in front of you. What it boils down to is choosing whether you wish to be a happy person or an unhappy one. Which do you choose?