The damage msm has done to race relations borders on irreparable. Passing blame and shame from hundreds of years ago does nothing but to remind us why we can never build a relationship of unity and trust. The Europeans were not the first to enslave humans and certainly not the worst perpetrators of the practice. All races in their history have been victim to this evil tradition, some religions still adhered to today passively condone it because it was so natural yet today we consider the act the vilest of practices.
I personally feel BLM does more to undo the great progress the Civil Rights movement did to integrate blacks into American society by tearing at healed wounds and passively condoning the same discrimination their previous generation faced and revolted against. My hope is that a new movement moves the sentiment back toward integration not segregation(which, ironically, blm seems more in favor of)
Great comment. I follow sensible people, so..followed.